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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Tue 6. May 2008, 12:05
by pepe
360fusion wrote:...
I expected it to work like this site: created by mazze.
Does anyone have (or can make) a template to make the tabs CP work like Mazze's site? I'm not skilled enough in code to make one myself.
As i have seen, Mazzes site does the job by using ADOBE "SPRY"-Framework... a JS-class based set of scripts...
I have downloaded the Framework... and will try to get a solution.

Give me some days...
After a first look, i think: It must be possible (for me) :D
Will give you some information during my "juggeling" with the code.

The CP "Tabs" is my friend during my trial.... hope, i will find a solution :wink:

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Tue 6. May 2008, 13:42
by Jensensen

today we know: "never mix inline php and JS"


Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Tue 6. May 2008, 18:42
by 360fusion
As i have seen, Mazzes site does the job by using ADOBE "SPRY"-Framework... a JS-class based set of scripts...
I have downloaded the Framework... and will try to get a solution.
This is why i love this community. I look forward to seeing your solution Pepe.

The next step would be for Oliver to add the ability to edit and create new templates for templates/inc_cntpart/ just like you can add and edit layout templates or the frontend css file. Or now am i just being greedy? :wink:

One step at a time maybe....


Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Tue 6. May 2008, 19:06
by flip-flop
The next step would be for Oliver to add the ability to edit and create new templates for templates/inc_cntpart/ just like you can add and edit layout templates or the frontend css file ...
Hmm, we edit and create new templates since half a year ....... :shock: :shock:
ADOBE "SPRY"-Framework... a JS-class based set of scripts...
A second framework? Why you don´t use one of the enhancements of MooTools?


Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Wed 7. May 2008, 10:37
by pepe
My newest experiments with CP "Register (Tabs)": ... 49#p103349

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Wed 11. Jun 2008, 11:52
by kukki
Weil meine eShop-abeiten mich augenblicklich wegen der stupiden Arbeiten am Datenstamm anöden und ich nach einiger Enthaltung und nur Mitlesen wieder dem CMS widme, habe ich doch gleich noch einmal die aktuelleren Updates mir lokal aufgespielt und dabei bin ich auf eine Kleinigkeit gestoßen, die mir aufgefallen ist und mich wurmt. Ich habe einfach den Lapsus nicht gefunden.
Bei Öffnen des RigisterTabs rutscht das Register beim ersten Mal um eine Zeile weniger auf. Hat jemand eine gute Idee, was das sein könnte, vielleicht ein Zählerlapsus von wegen 1 anstatt 0 oder so :!: :idea:
Wiederholung mit F5 !
Wiederholung mit F5 !

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Mon 15. Sep 2008, 18:21
by zuker
With r259 this Tab Accordion doesn‘t work anymore.

I gues problem is mootools.js file(template/inc_js/mootools/mootools.js
). When I change this file with version r257 mootools.js file, then accordion plays again.

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Mon 15. Sep 2008, 19:13
by juergen
update -> 263, rollback to older Version included

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Sat 3. Oct 2009, 14:05
by hausmeister
is it possible to have the first entry opened on page load?
i havent found anything in the forum on this topic.

der hausmeister

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Sat 3. Oct 2009, 15:31
by update
opacity: 0.5, duration: 500, alwaysHide: true, show: 0,

show: 0 --> first one
show: 1 --> second one

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Mon 5. Oct 2009, 08:59
by hausmeister
thanks. will try that later ;)

der hausmeister

Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools)

Posted: Mon 19. Oct 2009, 18:24
by hausmeister
claus wrote:.......
opacity: 0.5, duration: 500, alwaysHide: true, show: 0,

show: 0 --> first one
show: 1 --> second one
that wasn´t the complete solution.
i have also had to change the following line

Code: Select all

accordion.showThisHideOpen(); //no open element on load

Code: Select all

//   accordion.showThisHideOpen(); //no open element on load
thats it. thanks for your answer.

der hausmeister