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Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 12:29
by flip-flop
yes is exactly what I've done, and the problem was solved
No, no, you have killed all the output. My hint (talking about this error with O.G. last week) corrected the output.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 13:10
by sustia
flip-flop wrote:No, no, you have killed all the output. My hint (talking about this error with O.G. last week) corrected the output.
No, please, look at this post: ... t=0#p99115
sustia wrote: Anyway, seems that is solved, because I've commented this:

Code: Select all

//$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" />';
Is exactly what you suggests.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 13:14
by update
Is exactly what you suggests.
Suggestion has been exactly
// Form
// $CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" />';
$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'"></a>';

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 13:29
by sustia
claus wrote:
Is exactly what you suggests.
Suggestion has been exactly
// Form
// $CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" />';
$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'"></a>';
Ah, sorry, I'm tired and I have not well read the second line, thanks for underlining it.
Sorry flip-flop, and thanks.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 13:32
by update
Welcome :wink:

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 14:04
by Jensensen
well, now we know, that a closing </a> tag was missing [somewhere] for output some anchors.

but what i can't follow is:
in /include/inc_front/content/
there IS NO

Code: Select all

$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.....
:?: :shock: :?:

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 14:18
by update
...but who knows which one is "the latest snapshot" - the latest snapshot called "snapshot" or the latest upload or this which has been uploaded separately or ... ?
Anyway - next snapshot is certainly on it's way and at least it is working for sustia :)

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 14:57
by sustia
Hi guys, I'm using the snapshot. 28-Jan-2008 22:41 5.8M

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 15:07
by update
sustia = the-most-up-to-date-phpwcms-user (even me sticking along with 07-12-05 yet ;)

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 16:30
by flip-flop
Sorry about this, I have edited my posting.
[EDIT]Since Snapshot 2007-12-29][/EDIT]
changelog wrote:[UPDATE] Bad Behavior updated to 2.0.11
[ADD] Content part "form" enhanced by anchor "jumpForm%CPID%". Form "action" will be linked to that anchor so after sending browser window will be positioned to this anchor.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 18:11
by Jensensen
thank you.

what still don't understand:
how can an anchor tag which was not closed correctly --> when using CP form affect --> the footer -- 'piede' on sustias page??

so, for all, who might have problems with anchors:
Only affected: ---> latest [x]
FIX ( [x]

download here

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 19:17
by flip-flop
what still don't understand:
how can an anchor tag which was not closed correctly --> when using CP form affect --> the footer -- 'piede' on sustias page??
All entries between <a name="jumpXXX" /> and the next closing </a> are a big link .....

New option in

Select menu (Ausklapp Menü):
In past this type hadn´t react to the required switch. We can´t set a field entry like "Please select:" where no value is tranfered.
Second, there is a new feature called option group. You can group some list entries and give them a little headline.

Here it is:

In Value (Wert):
Please select - (Bitte wählen -)


Third the special text type (isn´t new but very interesting).

In Value (Wert):
and Types are:
INT = integer
IDENT = without entities
MIX/STRING - normal text
DATE = date format - in kombination with some more settings
e.g.: dateformat=m/d/Y

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 22:46
by update

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 22:50
by flip-flop
I dont know.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 23:59
by Jensensen
Thanks again for latest [latest] explanations.
flip-flop wrote:...All entries between <a name="jumpXXX" /> and the next closing </a> are a big link ...
yes, they became [please install fix || see above] wrapped [obviously] into big when a closing tag is missing or placed 'too late' [for sure thats clear]. But {CONTENT} is content and {FOOTER} is footer.

So, the question was, how could one anchor of CP form --> reach out to --> footer?
Because: we all don't know how sustia placed the contents....??? [that i was wondering about and interested in]

Again, [we now can] forget about, it's just workin due to latest of latest fix fox foxxy fix