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Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 22:27
by metti
Being lazy is nothing bad it makes inventive :D

It does not take much time to change uploadFX so that it uploads to a folder on the server WITHOUT renaming the files. Then you would have your access to it in backend.
I could do this in the next days.

Another idea is to include a filemanager into the backend with an i-frame (It would also be possible to give a username and password to it).


Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 22:29
by Jensensen
jsw_nz wrote:...Everything worked except the creating of new 'virtual (phpwcms) directories...
This exactly will be [one of] the greatest problems I was mentioning above!!!
database trigger....

BECAUSE!!! OF THE MISTAKES!!! which ARE!!! already obvious RIGHT NOW with the "file manager"!!!
jsw_nz wrote:...To return to the discussion
as Jensensen has suggested

PS: need just decompressing of uploaded archives to dir

seems to make sense - and for me -...

btw: as far as i could read in this forum OG is about to renew file manager functions!!!??? afterwards [after (your) work] your mod DO NOT work anymore with the newest final stable release....

well, [only] one argument pro --> module approach:
I remember 'nekket' who had the same problems (like jsw_nz, somehow), during updating the complete phpwcms installation, when there were hundreds of image files to be filed INTO the file manager with certain directories...

but this is/will be an exception --> special case!

Think about...


Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 22:37
by Jensensen
metti wrote:@jensensen: Thats strange. Never heard about this. Do you have a link where i could find more infos about this? ... dateiliste


Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 22:42
by Jensensen
metti wrote:...But how i said the mod changes nothing to the files themself ...
guess YOUR mod / solution will work fine!!!

but keep installation environment (phpwcms) in mind..... :wink:

Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 22:47
by Jensensen
on the other hand, if there are php-decompresser-scripts available [which I haven't found yet], I should use google and you should focus on your mod development...



Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 23:13
by jsw_nz
Hi Metti

Was unable to get the unzip mod to work inside 135_dec_05

main.php seems to use files as a parameter
which redirects to file manager....hmmm

when i changed to modules

no upload occurred

I set the directory as:

Code: Select all

/* absolute path is needed */
  $extract_dir_abs = PHPWCMS_ROOT."/wcms_zoomify";
  /* relative path with slash "/"  at the end*/
  $extract_dir_rel = "wcms_zoomify/";
  /* relative path with slash "/" at the end*/
  $target_dir = "wcms_zoomify/";

Thinking a couple of settings need updating

do I need a php module/extension (zip-zlib)? set to on???
UPDATE: both zip and zlib enabled....

I got no error message from unzip library in inc_ext ... hmmm

It does not take much time to change uploadFX so that it uploads to a folder on the server WITHOUT renaming the files. Then you would have your access to it in backend. I could do this in the next days.
sounds good to me
- thanks for the possiblity
- suggestion is to try it under 135_dev
- latest

all the best
! :)

between upLoadFX and unzip modules
- thinking that there may be a useful solution
- like a 'swiss army knife' approach for directory & file management
- I think wcms needs this

btw - there is a free version of zoomify available at:
would be nice to even have a module wrapped around this - just dreaming...

Posted: Fri 21. Dec 2007, 14:34
by metti
I will have a look to the upload and unzip functions.

Normaly the pcl-lib should extract without any php-module installed on the server.

I'll give a try to make unziping working (i guess rar is not supportet and won't be).


Re: FTP Takeover (?) - Upload Folder & its contents

Posted: Sun 30. Dec 2007, 21:38
by metti
I was surprised the forum suddenly looks so different. Hope i'll get used to it :shock:

I head not that much time between the years but i worked a "little" bit on uploadfx and published the work here:

This version has following "features":
  • Customizable path-settings in an own config (This will be needed for a later standalone-version).
    Javauploader (newest release of Postlet)
    An explorer (With that you can explore directories on server more or less easyly): PcsExplorer
    It is written as Plugin, so that you can easyly (un-)install it.
Installation is easy: Just extract the .zip to your module-directory in your phpwcms-installation (include/inc_module).
(Note that the plugin-installion only work in newer releases - don't know exactly since which).

I would thank you jensensen and jsw_nz and of coure any other reading this, if you would test the release even if it has not yet the ability to unzip files on server.

Unziping is the next step. (Please excuse, that i wrote it as module and not yet standalone, but working in phpwcms-environment is a bit easyer for me - don't ask why :roll: )

I wish you a happy new year,

Re: FTP Takeover (?) - Upload Folder & its contents

Posted: Thu 24. Jan 2008, 13:23
by metti
Hrm. I finished my work on UploadFX for two reasons:
1. It works for me (Will release it in the next days)
2. It does not make sense to write a module for uploading and extracting, if there is a browserbased ftp-client out there. (net2ftp)
So long,