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Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 02:20
by wireless
did not mean to hit a nerve.

I just feel that this is after all a open source cms build by OG and to borrow from Stim: "..., OG is german and it is his software we all use and we should respect that"

If a english forum is needed/wanted then simply ask OG if he would mind if there was a "English Language" section within this forum and that way when a post needs to be refered to it would be much easier.

Once again I did not mean to upset anybody.

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 10:14
by Stim
pico wrote:you're right

I don't use notepad - I use UltraEdit :P on Windows
and pico at Linux - Nomen et Omen :D
Never heard about UltraEdit before pico, but can you change between cod stuffs or designs stuffs with it? I need also design stuffs just because I need fast see hex cod to. I can’t remember all hex cod and all that stuffs otherwise and need software that can handle both design and cod display.

Btw, I’m also old fan to Scorpios and just love them and that is more reason to respect German as country and language. They were one of them biggest artist on the word – yes yes, I remember that nice and old time. 8)

But please, why not have separate forum one for English and one for German? It’s just 3-4 MB more space.

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 11:26
by pico

a seperate English and German Forum is heavy to handle!
what shall a Moderator do to English Part when there someone answers in German and viceversa ?

Kill the Answer - not a good way ?
Translate it - too much work, nobody will spend the time for that ?

have tried this in another Forum - but after a short time it mixed up with German/English

There are People out there wich can maybe read a little English but they are not able to write and the use of Translators are often gives no good way for technical Text.

it's a neverer ending Story - as I would say
Take it or leave it

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 11:30
by pepe
Another good PHP, HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, Java, C#, Perl, Python and Ruby.... editor is:

PHP Designer 2007 - Personal, version 5.0.2

You can download for free:

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 11:35
by Stim
Of curse it should work, why not? Just set up roles for English forum and German forum

English forum: Just English talking
German forum: Just German talking

Then I can agree with “Take it or leave it” Of course its work, just good organize and structure need or use ban functions, after warning of course

Thank you pepe for your tip, i will test it

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 11:44
by jscholtysik
Hi Stim,

the problem is that you then need more forum administrators, but at this time only Oliver Georgi is forum administrator and you know that he never has time for such things... :-( But he is the only person who can decide it!!

So when you like to have a division into german and english forum try to write him a PM and advise it to him again. Perhaps he will react...

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 14:21
by Stim
Yes, you have right, I suppose. I think we should not disturb OG with mass PM or mail. Isn’t there any moderator here who maybe also possible can moderate one more forum, don’t know.

Another idea is if someone start English forum and can moderate it. But then link between German forum and English forum is necessary if it will work