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Post by DeXXus »

Stim wrote:Yes, it was some problem with list .tmpl with firefox for some of those columns.

It most be like this:

Article 1: Left
Article 2: Right
Article 3: Left
Article 4: Right

But for some of those pages those columns had

Article 1: Left
Article 2: Right
Article 3: Right
Article 4: Right

Very easy to do mistake with column stuffs. Do you still see empty elements now? I tested with firefox, IE, and with 3 different screen resolution: 800x600 , 1024x768 and 1152x864 now, and seem be works just fine. I cold not see something like that 2 last screenshot with firefox, version
I ~think~ that has FIXED all the "alignment" problems in Firefox !!!

UPDATE: WOW, everyone of those -Poll- problems seems to be correct now, too??
Except -Poll- (in Internet Explorer) of just this one (1) page:,12

Is it just me, for that page???

ALSO, the problem (for me) with photo galleri not showing up in Internet Explorer has to do with this:

Code: Select all

<!-- Partner-->
      <SCRIPT language=javascript>
var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);
document.write('<sc'+'ript language="JavaScript" src="'+uri+'" charset="ISO-8859-1"></sc'+'ript>');
<!-- Partner-->
Remove it and the Iframe works. (Removing the document.write line is really what helps).
Posts: 587
Joined: Mon 6. Jun 2005, 13:13

Post by Stim »

Hello DeXXus,

Once again, Thanks for your ”bug finding work”. There is many things to do for me to correct some mistake you have find on pages. About that photo-galleri stuffs used iframe on article and that partner-banner stuffs made with JavaScript stuffs should work. But that photo-galleri who use frames have sometime loading problem. Also that JavaScript-banner have loading problem something, but it should work with. Try to update that page so maybe it works? It should work and I have no problem with it.

For some month ago and for some reason I cud not se any JavaScript banner at all with IE and firefox, but when I reinstalling hole windows and explorer, then is shows up there, on every pages as that JavaScript banner should. It wasn’t only problem with this site but also some other site like They have loooots of banner I cold not see before even I know its was there; but after reinstalling everything there was no problem again.
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