I ~think~ that has FIXED all the "alignment" problems in Firefox !!!Stim wrote:Yes, it was some problem with list .tmpl with firefox for some of those columns.
It most be like this:
Article 1: Left
Article 2: Right
Article 3: Left
Article 4: Right
But for some of those pages those columns had
Article 1: Left
Article 2: Right
Article 3: Right
Article 4: Right
Very easy to do mistake with column stuffs. Do you still see empty elements now? I tested with firefox, IE, and with 3 different screen resolution: 800x600 , 1024x768 and 1152x864 now, and seem be works just fine. I cold not see something like that 2 last screenshot with firefox, version
UPDATE: WOW, everyone of those -Poll- problems seems to be correct now, too??
Except -Poll- (in Internet Explorer) of just this one (1) page:
Is it just me, for that page???
ALSO, the problem (for me) with photo galleri not showing up in Internet Explorer has to do with this:
Code: Select all
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