"Friendly URL's"

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Post by kubens »

I had the same problem in the past and I decided to enhance build 1.2.6. I added alias features on article level and I added multidomain functionality.

The concept was very simple:

1. I added a new column to the article table and I made all neccessary modifications inside existing sources to ensure that the user is able to maintain alias on article level.

2. I modified the index.php. At the begining I implemented a feature which builds the following url /index.php?id=0,2,0,0,1,0 based on an alias.

3. I modified the function which generates the links. Instead to build the cryptical url this routine uses the article alias.

Because I don't use all features of phpwcms it could happen that some of the unused features does not work properly. However I decided to use them on existing sites:


At this moment we are working on templates pending of the domain.


Post by macmukka »

Bit of an old topic this but I want to start creating urls like this:-


Can you help with advice Kubens? OR anyone else have some ideas

so that each article in the 'news section' becomes a url like the above. I am about to start working for a client who is insisting on it.

and do people think that


is better than

http://www.domain.com/news/this_is_a_news_story.ptml etc?

best - mac
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Post by phalancs »

Yes mnac i think this is better understandable. See the urls in wordpress for example.

Hey Kubens how did you do that? I am also very interested in such functionality :)

Post by macmukka »

Hey phalancs

Do you think if we keep making a noise someone will hear us??

We want to get SEO Friendly!

Best - ;-)
Posts: 168
Joined: Sat 6. Nov 2004, 15:29
Location: Duesseldorf near Cologne ;-)

Post by kubens »

As described above I enhanced 1.2.6. Unfortunatelly it was necessary to modify some of the original phpWCMS files. For this reason and because Oliver announced a similar feature in the coming version I did not migrated my existing travel pages to latest version. Oliver posted some weeks ago an early not supported snapshot. Unfortunatelly the alias feature on article level seems not working properly at this moment. Look here. But I think that the next version will coming soon and then this issue will hopefully solved.

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