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Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 15:12
by tuur66
Knut, I put
at he end of reptag_nav_list_from.php. Nothing changes, however...

What do you mean by my ID after home level? Take a look at this printscreen:

Gruß Arthur

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 15:53
by flip-flop
Hi Arthur,

first please make a download of the file "" from this location: www(.) -> It´s my test-area.
And copy the file reptag_nav_list_from.php to your "/phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/"
Please oerwrite the old one.

The ID you can find by moving the cursor over the little icon in front of the category name.

But I think your problem isn´t the ID. Your system don´t interpreted extern stuff at "/frontend_render/"

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["allow_ext_render"]  = 1;  //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend rendering 
That is the condition it functions.

Gruß Knut

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 16:10
by tuur66
Hoi Knut,
Yes, thanks, I copied your file instead of my own into the frontend_render map. But still no result...

The ID of home = 0:0, and all the other ones range from 0:2 to 0:10... hence I thought I had it and changed {NAV_LIST_FROM:0:1::list_top} into {NAV_LIST_FROM:0:2::list_top}. But that didn't work either :cry:

I can't believe it!

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 16:28
by flip-flop
Hi Arthur,

The ID are the first Number: {NAV_LIST_FROM:0:2::list_top}

if you liked, I have a look into your backend and your file-space.
PW via PN.

Gruß Knut

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 17:04
by tuur66
Oh sorry, you're right! :oops:
The numbers are 2:0 till 10:0 instead of the other way around!

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 17:05
by tuur66
... but {NAV_LIST_FROM:2:0::list_top} doesn't work either...

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 17:29
by flip-flop

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["allow_ext_init"]    = 1;  //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend initialization
$phpwcms["allow_ext_render"]  = 1;  //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend rendering
That´s ok at I can´t believe it.
The RT doesn´t interpreted by the system.

TEST: Please copy this code into a file named "reptag_pagetitle.php" and place it at the folder "/phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/".

Code: Select all

// PAGETITLE replacement
if( ! (strpos($content["all"],'{PAGETITLE}')===false)) {
   $content["all"] = str_replace('{PAGETITLE}', $content["struct"][$content["cat_id"]]
["acat_name"], $content["all"]);
} ?>
It is a simple RT. It shows the Pagetitle. {PAGETITLE}

Please insert {PAGETITLE} after/before {NAV_LIST_FROM:0:2::list_top} in your Template.
And insert {PAGETITLE} at any place in your site "Welkom".

Lets have a look.

Gruß Knut

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 21:42
by tuur66
Yes Knut, I did those things. You are aware of the fact that 'welkom' is the same level as the rest of the website?

Anyway, take a look at The tag {PAGETITLE} is shown... nothing else has changed, really. Odd, isn't it!?

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 22:32
by flip-flop
Hi Arthur,

yes your system doesn´t interpret the files at /phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/.

Two options:
1. The isn´t right
2. The folder frontend_render isn´t at his place for your system or the folder/file rights are bad.

That´s my last idear.
A possibility would be, if you give me an entrance to your Web space by ftp via PN.

Gruß Knut

Posted: Sat 1. Apr 2006, 11:13
by tuur66
Hej Knut,
Yep, I sent you a PN - hopefully you can work it out. Only if you have time of course! :oops:
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue 4. Apr 2006, 15:06
by tuur66
Hey folks, I finally managed to make this index-tab invisible, and I did so in a way too simple for words :oops:

What I did:
-I put the 2nd page (welkom) in de index category;
-in admin, I made welkom menu invisible;
-I deleted both the index layout and the index template;
-in (at the bottom) I changed the name of the index-page to 'Welkom' using FTP .

Maybe others may benefit from this...