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Posted: Wed 29. Mar 2006, 10:15
by Kosse
joaopalma... that's almost poetry, muito legal, really, thanks for the kind words... and sorry to bump this thread once again, but I'm still sad about this situation and can't just pretend as nothing happened (though I still don't know what happened). :cry:

Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 21:50
by Jan212
hey what's going on? there have to be a way how you both manage this as gentlemen. i don't know what's the reason of this beef, but i am sure frold is a great enrichment for this community, personal, likable and with a good and deep know how.

if frold had done a mistake don't be so hard to kick him, we are all humans and make mistakes. every single one of us. nobody should throw the first stone. never.

learn to forget and don't be resentful - both of you.

to frold - if you will never be back again[i wan't hope so] i wish you all the best from my side. i had ever respected and respect you as a good kind of human and friendly moderator - from the roots. all the best. respect to you.

just my 5cents

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 13:51
by isac
Contemporary vision :)

This is like a soccer team. Every players (moderators) on the team as a job/ funtion to do, if Oliver (coach) discard one player, is because lose confidence on him or you are not playing as espected. I'm shure he knows what's doing. For me, You are a very good player, but i don't manage the team, unfortunately (or fortunately) only watch the game from the ouside lines.

I read this forum since the beginning, and i must say PHPWCMS lose the BANG effect. People get stressed and frustrated about point releases. But arenĀ“t this players who are saving the team?

I want to see this team winning the CMS World Cup.

Frold best wishes to you

Posted: Fri 31. Mar 2006, 19:59
by ff123
A sad thing that this should hapen on this great forum...
I always promote phpwcms on dutch forums and have already convinced people to use this CMS, so let's not disappoint them and continue the great work.