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Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 03:54
by StudioZ
Very well said DeXXus :)
I can only endorse your statements 8)
Wish I could be as fluent in english, as you :wink:


Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 04:20
by Pappnase
pepe wrote:Thanks Pappnase...

I hope that our 2 friend will come back again...

i think only one would come back. ( i hope nobody will missunderstand me) cos one of them lost his magic in fact of wrong action and of choosing the wrong words. :-(

Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 04:24
by Pappnase
Tell me why, Tell me why... *sing*
StudioZ wrote:Very well said DeXXus :)
I can only endorse your statements 8)
Wish I could be as fluent in english, as you :wink:

Yves write that what i think when i read posts from dex!
I wish could the same ...but... i'm german and englsh is only my second lang :-)

Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 04:52
by DeXXus
@StudioZ and Pappnase

Thanks for your compliment on my "words"
Pappnase wrote:Tell me why, Tell me why... *sing*
StudioZ wrote:Very well said DeXXus :)
I can only endorse your statements 8)
Wish I could be as fluent in english, as you :wink:

Yves write that what i think when i read posts from dex!
I wish could the same ...but... i'm german and englsh is only my second lang :-)
You ALL get *BIG RESPECT* from me for your dual-language skills.
The "arrogant" nature of America (in the last millenium) of "expecting" the world to speak English... has now become a downfall or impediment to good International relations, in my view.

I am obviously from the U.S. and speak native English... but no German !!(I did study Castillian-style Spanish in school for 5 years of my youth, but have found few opportunities in the real world or on the web to keep it vital.)

Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 13:50
by Kosse
DeXXus wrote:
Pappnase wrote:hello

thread open again!

cos in this forum are so many threads wich have nothing to do with phpwcms.

My thoughts ( I know... WHO CARES? :wink: ):

This forum (General Discussion) is a valuable meeting place for the fostering of topics, ideas, news and other forms of community involvement for users and visitors, here. Having a point or making a worthwhile comment should have a "little" lower standard here than the other sections of the forum.

This thread maybe wasn't my "cup of tea"... so, I just chose not to participate, but I also believe that the thread was just a friendly exchange between some members. It, most likely, would have "run out of steam" pretty quickly, since the subject matter was "superficial" and meant no provocation. Had this been an attack upon the script or the users here (or spam or worse), then quick action would have been warranted.

I am POSITIVE that frold SHOULD have "stepped in" (right when he did) and I know that his intent was NOT malicious. I tend to feel that his first "instinct" was CORRECT to moderate "where the thread was going" and he just got carried away in bolstering his argument with the part about "post counts". Anyone who does a quick check will soon realize that there are no minimum or maximum "post counts"... nor are there any rewards or penalties for posting.

With that said... I want to emphasize the valuable "hard" work that the moderators put in when they take on these *additional* duties on top of their "regular" slate of daily work and tasks. Also, keep in mind that there is no "school" or "rules" or "special abilities" that can guide these moderators in figuring out what and where to draw the lines.

We have been VERY FORTUNATE here with good patrons (frold & feelX DEFINITELY have been), NO flame-baiting and NO trolls. I'm AMAZED at how good a job ALL the moderators have done (especially Pappnase and frold), THANKS !

With any luck, these two members will realize that neither were right or wrong in the "heat of the moment" but rather that they were not their usual selves (happens to ALL of us... and don't try to convince me other wise :twisted: ). Both are wanted back and I presume... welcome to return, if that is their wish. (Hint!, Hint!)

(DeXXus now steps down from his soapbox and shuffles back into the forum to read some threads and learn from others.)
Man, I can't agree more with... ALL said by DeXXus, specially that I posted too in this thread -which I didn't understand as well- so I just went for the Marcos-trying to be funny side, not to increase my post ~I don't care~ -> I try to post for helping and learning or make a point.
DeXXus you put some serious thoughts here, thank you for taking the trouble, and yes we (I) DO CARE about your opinion (en passant, is your head ok?) :P
Btw, si quieres hablar español podemos hacerlo, ningun problema, asi te mantienes al dia y este foro tendrá -aun más- una cosa a su favor ;)

I sincerely wish/hope/vote for Frold AND FeelX to participate again and that Frold and OG solve their misunderstanding. Being part of this "virtual" community run by non-virtual people is a pleasure and even has become a sort of hobby for me, when I don't know about the forum for a few days I run back to see what's happening... I hope it stays so for a long time ahead...

That said, I go back to work.
Peace to all the forum members.


Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 16:23
by phalancs
This is the funinest thread I ever read in this forum:


I'm on v.25 for almost one week now, released March 23, 2006

Thanx papp-nose for reopening.

Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 17:30
by pico
uuups .... :?: :!:

I'm still on Version 0.0.1 :evil: :lol: