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Posted: Wed 27. Sep 2006, 18:06
by fardilha
Hi again.

Thank you for such a quick response.

With the "Registration-Panel" will it still be necessary to install the "user panel" or will it have (among others) the same functionalities?

Thank you!
Pedro Fardilha


Posted: Thu 28. Sep 2006, 19:07
by phalancs
the registration panel is somehow a more complex frontend extension of the backend "create user" thing.

The only problem that's there, lies within the new versions of phpwcms. I am not sure if either the userpanel or the registration panel make sense anymore:

As long as there was the possibility to activate the thing in the backend to limit structures to users, the userpanel was pretty helpful, but in the newer versions of phpwcms this feature does not exist anymore (the user selection box).

Hmm, what should the userpanel and the registration now be for? What can be the benefit of a registration if you cannot use the membership?

Well, this is why I did not yet change to the newest version... and this is also why I am not sure about what to do with both projects. Its sad to always wait for an official solution, adapt interim solutions and readapt them over and over again. Hmmmmmm

Hey Oliver, I know your solution will be better, but as long as there is none, an interim thing is by far better than nothing!

Posted: Thu 28. Sep 2006, 21:47
by fardilha
Hi again.

Although vers 1.2.8 has some great new features, I must tell you that user management is quite essential for 75% of the sites that I made (don't ask me how did I get this percentage value. :D ).

I prefer without hesitation to stick with 1.2.6 and being able to use your registration panel than being forced to stop the creation of the sites that I already have in hands.
I believe that eventually Oliver will came with something but I just can't wait another year.

Please don't kill your project and let us use it to (at least) have some basic user control.

Pedro Fardilha

Posted: Thu 5. Oct 2006, 22:16
by fopulu
Hi phalancs!

I'm very interested to your registration panel! It looks very good.
I'm still working with 1.2.6 and I want to intergrate this special mod from you. Can you tell me please, when you release this mod?


Posted: Wed 18. Oct 2006, 04:19
by phalancs
Registration Panel v1.5 Released

As I promised I finally managed to bundle you a release. I have tested it with a fresh install of 1.2.8 and it worked. Installation is easy and quick.
I think that this contribution will be even more useful if the fusion of Erichk4s usermanagement and my userpanel is done. So stay tuned and share your support.

Visit for the latest download!

:) have fun

Posted: Tue 9. Jan 2007, 17:08
by Shapeshifter
Hi phalancs,

I am using your Registration Panel and it works great with 1.2.8! Is there any way to create an "User Panel" where registered Users can login and see the "parts" of the website, that are only visible for "logged in users"?


Posted: Tue 9. Jan 2007, 18:55
by phalancs
Hey, great to hear that. :)

As far as I know the userpanel works fine with 1.2.8 BUT: markoehls (I guess it was his) hack to make sections invisible for certain users does not work anymore because the user-selection fields in the backend for the structures are gone... :evil:

This is why I returned to 1.2.6 it is the only version of phpwcms where you can have a full user management.

Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 20:33
by Shapeshifter

thanks for your response. Indeed the problem is, that everybody, who knows an exact url of "hidden member parts", does have access to the site even though he is not registered or logged in. So in fact there is no working userpanel solution for phpwcms 1.2.8?


Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 20:58
by rushclub
Shapeshifter wrote:So in fact there is no working userpanel solution for phpwcms 1.2.8?




Posted: Mon 15. Jan 2007, 08:53
by phalancs
This is why i am still using 1.2.6 cause in the regard of usermanagement all never versions are incapable of incorporating even hacks or anything.

Registration – Panel mod-Front end no content

Posted: Mon 28. May 2007, 20:48
by funkyrob
Hello everyone

We have just installed the version phpvcms 1.3.3 for the first time.
We would like to use the Registration – Panel mod.
After installation the mod works fine in the back end but there is no content in the
Front end.
Is there anyone who can tell us how we can use the mod in version 1.3.3?

R.F. Funk

Posted: Tue 12. Jun 2007, 10:48
by indaype
Yes please! I am using the latest version too (1.3.3) and I would like to install this on my site!

Posted: Wed 13. Jun 2007, 19:42
by phalancs
I think we should wait for olivers new releases coming up next. It might not make sense to hack anything now taken into account the positive outcome of the fundraising campaign in this regard :):):)
thanks for your response. Indeed the problem is, that everybody, who knows an exact url of "hidden member parts", does have access to the site even though he is not registered or logged in
BTW this is NOT true!

registration panel again

Posted: Mon 12. Nov 2007, 13:35
by avagi
Hi Everybody!

Is there any new activity?
Did get somebody the registration panel to work under 1.3.3?
.. or any other solution?

Thanks in advance for any reply!

Best regards:

Re: registration panel again

Posted: Tue 13. Nov 2007, 21:11
by avagi
Hi Everybody!

There is a simple hack for registration panel under v1.3.3:

Change the registration panel entry in the "" as follows:
205 => 'registration', // $BL['be_ctype_apply']

... and enjoy ... :-)

Best regards: