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It dosn't work...

Posted: Sun 31. Jul 2005, 16:06
by TGO
Hello! Maybe it's not to boring all the time this damn rookie questions, but I can't find the mistake...

I use phpwcms v1.2.3-DEV and the calendar_mod_v2.01_ionrock. I install all files and added everything, but when I will install the calendar, I only get this:
Error creating the events table: Query was empty
I can't find the mistake. I do all steps exactly like in the manual from calendar_mod_v2.01_ionrock.

Maybe someone knows, where is the mistake!

Thank you!

Re: tables installed

Posted: Sun 31. Jul 2005, 17:21
by oeconom
volkman wrote:hey felix,
did you check the database, are the tables created? if so, check the naming convention. i do use DEV 1.2.3 as you do. from a clean install all tables start with "phpwcms_". i got confused a bit when i first tried to install the mod (i am using ionrock's 2.0.1 original version): the installation instruction in the very first line states "The first thing you need to do is edit the configuration details. Open the file /mod_calendar/inc_lib/main.config.php and change the prefix to whatever your current prefix is. " the tablenames that are created later are all of the form phpwcms_cal.... So DONT add a prefix, leave the field empty like here.

Code: Select all

// table names
$prefix				= "";
$tables['cal_events'] 		= $prefix . "phpwcms_cm_events";
$tables['cal_categories']	= $prefix . "phpwcms_cm_categories";
$tables['cal_languages']        = $prefix . "phpwcms_cm_languages";
$tables['cal_langList']         = $prefix . "phpwcms_cm_languageList";

$GLOBALS['tables'] = $tables;
i aswell had to comment out
require_once "Mail.php"; // PEAR mail class
//require_once "Mail.php"; // PEAR mail class

in app-header.php of the mod to make it work.

hope that helps


Hi volkman,
I hoped it would work, but it didn't...

Still looking for an resolution.


Posted: Mon 1. Aug 2005, 12:10
by volkman
did you try to create the tables with the help of phpMyAdmin. That should always work. After doing so, you should not have to use setup in the backend, cause thats all it does (creating tables). I exported my structure, you should be able to copy/paste into phpMyAdmin.

That should work, if you setup the file /mod_calendar/inc_lib/main.config.php as I described.
BTW: I am using mysql 4.0.20

hope that helps

Code: Select all

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.6.3-pl1
-- Host: localhost
-- Erstellungszeit: 01. August 2005 um 12:00
-- Server Version: 4.0.21
-- PHP-Version: 4.3.11
-- Datenbank: `ced_cms`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Tabellenstruktur fuer Tabelle `phpwcms_cm_categories`

CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_cm_categories` (
  `id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Tabellenstruktur fuer Tabelle `phpwcms_cm_events`

CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_cm_events` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
  `span` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  `time` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `title` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
  `category` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `price` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
  `location` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `extrainfo` text NOT NULL,
  `approved` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `setid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `userId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `id` (`id`)

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Tabellenstruktur fuer Tabelle `phpwcms_cm_languageList`

CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_cm_languageList` (
  `langId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `langName` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`langId`)

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Tabellenstruktur fuer Tabelle `phpwcms_cm_languages`

CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_cm_languages` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `langId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `langKey` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `langVal` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `langKey` (`langKey`,`langVal`)

# Inserts fuer Sprachen
# Insert Sprache 

INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languageList` (langName) VALUES ('English (US)'); 

# Inserts Values fuer Sprache Englisch 

INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (id, langId, langKey, langVal) VALUES (1,1,'langName','English (US)'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (id, langId, langKey, langVal) VALUES (2,1,'category','Category'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (id, langId, langKey, langVal) VALUES (3,1,'date','Date'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (4, 1, 'numOfDays', 'Number of Days'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (5, 1, 'title', 'Title'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (6, 1, 'time', 'Time'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (7, 1, 'location', 'Location'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (8, 1, 'description', 'Description'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (9, 1, 'noEventsNotice', 'There are currently no events this month.'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (10, 1, 'noCategory', 'No Category'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (11, 1, 'jan', 'January'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (12, 1, 'feb', 'February'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (13, 1, 'mar', 'March'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (14, 1, 'apr', 'April'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (15, 1, 'may', 'May'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (16, 1, 'jun', 'June'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (17, 1, 'jul', 'July'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (18, 1, 'aug', 'August'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (19, 1, 'sep', 'September'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (20, 1, 'oct', 'October'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (21, 1, 'nov', 'November'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (22, 1, 'dec', 'December'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (23, 1, 'mon', 'Monday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (24, 1, 'tue', 'Tuesday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (25, 1, 'wed', 'Wednesday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (26, 1, 'thu', 'Thursday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (27, 1, 'fri', 'Friday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (28, 1, 'sat', 'Saturday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (29, 1, 'sun', 'Sunday'); 
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_cm_languages` (`id`, `langId`, `langKey`, `langVal`) VALUES (30, 1, 'submit', 'Update Language'); 

Posted: Mon 1. Aug 2005, 15:23
by oeconom

Thanks for your recommendations.
The tables are always created correctly via the backend setup. Also I was able to use the calendar as long as I tried directly after the install and on being logged in.
After logging off, I wasn't able to swith from one month to another (in a caledar inserted in the content part), and after logging into the backend again, there again was the install/setup button (but the tables were still existent, I did check tis!).

I've no further ideas, so I perhaps will try some other calendar variant...


Posted: Tue 2. Aug 2005, 04:21
by jsw_nz
Been watching this thread and today have a requirement where this mod might be handy. A wee bit concerned about versioning and messages regarding config. I would be planning to us in dev 122. Are there any examples out there that demonstarate this as a stable release. Concerned about committing to this without clear idea that it can be configured and insalled correctly. I did click on a couple of links in former threads..but the links did not show up correctly (REP TAGS} were unrendered.

Asking for advice and help on this....much appreciated. :D

(from the looks of most recent threads there still are real issues..)

Posted: Fri 5. Aug 2005, 05:49
by jsw_nz
Any success stories on this mod using 'phpwcms dev' versions?
Any online examples?
responses, much appreciated... :D

Posted: Fri 5. Aug 2005, 10:13
by oeconom
Hi jsw_nz,
are you referring to the calendar mod or to the phpWCMS CMS Development Release itself?
For the cal mod, you're right here. For phpWCMS Dev., this is the wrong discussion threat!


Posted: Fri 5. Aug 2005, 19:22
by jsw_nz
Hi Felix,

Was referring to the calendar mod itself....
Just asking if it is reliable inside the newer dev releases and if so
are there any online demos (installations) - got a project where this mod would be perfect, but not confident one way or the other whether this mod is stable.....

Thanks for your reply. :D

Posted: Sun 7. Aug 2005, 23:39
by oeconom
Hey jsw_nz,

no, the calendar mod isn't integrated yet, even to in the most recen pre dev. release 1.2.5.
I didn't made the best experiences with the calendar mod, but I guess that shall not be a general statement at all...
I've heard that there are peaople who did integrate this mod successfully, using it satisfactorily.

On my way experimenting around, I found another open source calendar project. Perhaps it's an alternative to try this. -->
I didn't try it yet for myself, bis it looks fine, too, and I have it on my watchlist for the time, I'll really need a calendar impletmentation on my site.

Good luck, further on,


Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 05:13
by jsw_nz
Thanks for the reply....

I guess I will go with another solution myself.

Have used webcalendar (kn5) in the past ...will likely use again.

thanks for the heads up :D

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 07:54
by tinoo
oeconom wrote:On my way experimenting around, I found another open source calendar project.
Looks nice, but i'm a kind of beginner - how would you integrate this
calendar into phpwcms? iframe would be the easiest way, but nice?

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 10:31
by oeconom
Hi tinoo,
sorry, didn't try it yet...
I'd think iframe, or you try the {URL:...} RT
Take a look at pepe's docu:
Verwendung: Hierdurch wird eine externe Internetseite eingebunden.
Nur der Bereich zwischen <BODY> und </BODY> wir übernommen!
Schreibweise: {URL:}
Anzeige: -
By the way... how to use/crate an iframe, or what is it at all? I never used it, yet... :oops:

Have fun,

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 12:52
by tinoo
hi oeconom

have a look at ... age=iframe
(german version)

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 05:14
by jsw_nz
Hi oeconom,

Thanks for the reply. I guess the mod calendar is worth a try...(had a change of mind) and will spend some time on it...

Wtih regards to I-Frame former use of an external app within wcms took advantage of a XML-driven Flash menu (thus it did not require Wcms to run from the top>>down) and I was able to run a modified version of webcalendar this way....

first page queries external web calendar app:

and web calendar itself exists outside of wcms proper:

But the recent incorporation of script (init & render) suggests that you can buffer outputs (code):

OR as a complete alternative....access wcms as an include:
Iceman did a great job of this using vvbulletin (code):

here is Icemans actual app (nice):

Thanks as well to tinoo
sorry I do no know much more that simple german...

:D :D

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 14:07
by fabiradi
Could someone please add all this to the wiki ( Or at least a small summary, a listing of alternative calendars, and links on how to use an iframe or any other including technique in WCMS?

Especially this thread has become so long that it is almost impossible to get all the important stuff out if you have to read this for the first time.