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Posted: Tue 12. Jul 2005, 19:41
by frold
Ben wrote: It sure would be cool to have it loaded from the db, wouldn't it? :D
More yummi, yummi :D

CSS Driven Dropdown Menu + Pepes´ Multilanguage method

Posted: Sat 6. Aug 2005, 14:13
by Fexxx

I use your CSS menu and it works very well, but when I try to combine it with Pepes´method ( ... guage+navi)
there is a problem, because the fist menu/site (= de / en ) must to be hidden. So the hole menu is hidden at the moment. How can I modify the RepTag? I think something works like that {NAV_LIST_CURRENT} is what i need???

Sitestrucure (de and en is hidden):

Posted: Sat 6. Aug 2005, 17:38
by pepe
Hi FEXXX take the {NAV_LIST_ALL:xx}, and you will get, what you want...

a vertical css-menu, with the possibility, to hide de and en... and see the Navigatian under de and/or en

I've done it this way on several sites, which i'm working on (on my lokal host)... not jet online, to show the solution :cry:

Posted: Tue 20. Sep 2005, 06:04
by DavidNetk
Ben wrote:Kosse,
I've done the transparent menu thing before using css. I'm more interested in seeing the menus slide out and pull the menu data from the database. Here's a demo of the hard-coded TransMenus from ... index.html.
Yes, I've been trying to do the same thing!
If anybody with the skills is able to do so something please post your code! :D

Posted: Wed 21. Sep 2005, 22:42
by Kosse
I'm working on something with a friend to achieve that, will come back in a few days with something almost 100% from the DB

Works with a js, div and an external php file.

Ok, so I've overestimated my skills... :cry:

But I managed to...

Posted: Thu 29. Sep 2005, 05:42
by Kosse
I did something, not exactly what u where asking for but it works for me.

I didn't try to have the submenus pulled out but we managed to get the submenus from the database. (maybe later on the smooth pull thing)

We (François--> the php/js skilled guy and I) made a menu that grabs the data from the submenus from the DB. It's a bit messy (because you'lll have to edit the css file and the php to adapt to your own design needs) but it works both IE and FF (you have to position the DIV absolute), mac and pc.

You can see a demo @:

Looks like:

I've posted all the info there, because I'm not sure it replies to what you were asking for...


Posted: Tue 13. Dec 2005, 19:56
by tmisi

Please help me, I would like to use this scc menu but seems it is destroy the page. Can anybody check what happen by the page?

Seems I missed something.

Thank you very much! :-)