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Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Tue 29. Jan 2008, 18:08
by daniel.grant
Sorted. Didn't have qcal.php in the root dir - how did I not notice that!? Oh well, all's well that ends well.

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Wed 30. Jan 2008, 09:32
by culda_a
Hy daniel, I have qcall file on the root I will post a image to see how it looks the backend:

You see the functions is missing any sugestions? I use shapshot of the version 1.3.5 phpwcms

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Wed 30. Jan 2008, 10:12
by JensZ
What language is your user using? Try by setting your user language to english.

If it works, try creating a new directory with your user language iso code, for example 'es' for Spain, and copy from another language dir into the new dir.


Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Wed 30. Jan 2008, 12:11
by culda_a
is set to english

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Wed 30. Jan 2008, 12:46
by JensZ
Ok, try this:

Replace in AND default.tmpl.php:

Code: Select all

echo renderQCal($GLOBALS["qcal"]["defaults"]["calendar"], $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"]);
With this:

Code: Select all

$userLang = (isset($_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"]) && !empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"])) ? $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] : "en"; 
echo renderQCal($GLOBALS["qcal"]["defaults"]["calendar"], $userLang);
If it doesn't work, try:

Code: Select all

$userLang = "en"; 
echo renderQCal($GLOBALS["qcal"]["defaults"]["calendar"], $userLang);

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Wed 30. Jan 2008, 13:05
by culda_a
thanks a lot, that have solved my problem

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Thu 31. Jan 2008, 18:24
by headless
Can somebody help me.

How can I create these buttons, to jump between the month?

Wie kann ich diese Buttons erstellen, um zwischen den Monaten hin- und herzuspringen


Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.7]

Posted: Mon 4. Feb 2008, 10:39
by JensZ
New version 1.0.8 with the month navigation above.

Download here


Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.8]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 23:18
by Hoskissonite
Thanks for a great module, Jens!

I have one question, however: The calender I've implemented is supposed to be in Swedish. I've set the language settings in the module's to "se". But in the backend and frontend, the Swedish characters, åäö, are replaced by a question-mark, "?".

My for phpwCMS is set to:
$phpwcms['db_charset'] = 'utf8';
$phpwcms['db_collation'] = 'utf8_swedish_ci';
Could this be part of the problem?

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.8]

Posted: Mon 11. Feb 2008, 15:00
by JensZ
I don't think it has to do with the db collation, however, check your $phpwcms["charset"]. Mine is set to "UTF-8". Hopefully it doesn't screw up the rest of the website. Best practice is to have the same encoding as your DB.

If that doesn't work, try changing your browser's encoding setting. In FF, View > Character Encoding.


Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.8]

Posted: Wed 19. Mar 2008, 06:16
by santscho
After upgrading the FCKeditor (Last Snapshot), I get this message when I want to mod./create a new calendar entry:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fckeditor_iscompatiblebrowser() in /home/redcross/htdocs/include/inc_ext/fckeditor/fckeditor_php4.php on line 110
And the other problem: In Frontend, the Pop-Up for the Events is not in English: (Datum: Tid: Plats:). Where can I change this?

Thanks for helping! Ralph

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.8]

Posted: Thu 8. May 2008, 11:24
by Dan-G
I implemented this calendar on one of my sites a while ago (using {EVENTS} listing) but since then the client has complained that at the end of the month the calendar only show events from the month they're currently in.

So for example on 29th April there are no events listed for the first week of May.

Hmmm... good point - that's a pretty useless calendar if it only shows events for the next 2 days. They're not keen on the year calendar so...

Does anyone have any idea how I make this display 2 months rather than just one?

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.8]

Posted: Thu 8. May 2008, 11:58
by Dan-G
:oops: just noticed changes in v1.08 to solve my issue

but - I click the link {PREVMONTH} or {NEXTMONTH} and the calendar totally dissappears

Re: New Calendar Mod: QCalendar with Ajax [Updated v1.0.8]

Posted: Fri 9. May 2008, 16:00
by Dan-G
okay so having a look at this new release. aside from the initial problem of an error in the backend which goes away by editing inc_module/mod_qcal/inc_lib/QCalendarAdmin.php line 114

<th class='qheader'><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"displayQCalendar('$nextMonth','$lYear','".$GLOBALS['qcal']['ajaxAdminPath']."',".$this->category.", true,'".$this->langId."','".$this->css."')\" class='qheaderNav' title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth-1]), 0, 3)."'>></a>&nbsp;</th>

change to:

Code: Select all

<th class='qheader'><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"displayQCalendar('$nextMonth','$lYear','".$GLOBALS['qcal']['ajaxAdminPath']."',".$this->category.", true,'".$this->langId."','".$this->css."')\" class='qheaderNav' title='".htmlentities(substr($this->monthNames[$nextMonth-1], 0, 3))."'>></a>&nbsp;</th>
But I still can't get this pesky next/previous month function to work! A fresh install and still the same issue - click on the < or > links and the event list is replaced with Nothing!

So for now I have put the following in

Code: Select all

<div style="display:none">{MONTH}</div> 
as the presence of the month calendar seems to allow the {prevmonth} {nextmonth} functions to work.

Maybe I misunderstood some simple thing but this will certainly do...

You Cannot Access This Script Directly,

Posted: Sun 11. May 2008, 11:26
by hjb
Did I miss something, I couldnt find any solution to the eror above?

