adding a body ID as css hook

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Post by update »

Thank you for staying :)
I will give it a try!
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Post by update »

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   just a sample how to inject body ID - i.e. to allow specific CSS based things (or JavaScript stuff too)....
   if you define $content['body_id'] = FALSE body tag injection will be hopped

   sample will set body tag injection based on "main structure"
   if it is in home it will fall back to
if(isset($LEVEL_ID[1])) { // lets say it is the main structure root
	$content['body_id'] = $LEVEL_ID[1];
			if(isset($LEVEL_ID[3])) { // lets say it is the third structure level
			$content['body_id'] = $LEVEL_ID[3];
} else { // do nothing 
	$content['body_id'] = false;
This is what I've got so far - now the first two levels are working as per default, from the third on it triggers anew...
Now wondering how to get this going for certain branches ov the structure tree...
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Post by update »

now I'm beginning to see it: defining a class (myclass_) in custom.settings.php will give me a custom class with level myclass_id if I choose this template for a certain structure item (and this one only) - aha! besides the id if wanted. Cool, really cool. I understand... will dig deeper... cool... thanks...
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Post by swisscheese »

Did a bit of researches and finaly would propose a little change of code. For sure OG will kill me or implement this in a future release :wink: (I hope the latter... 8) ).

EDIT: Don't do it, there is a solution without fiddling in the core code. see post below
So here's how to go:
in /include/inc_front/ replace line 127-145 with:

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//define the current article category ID
$content["cat_id"]	= $aktion[0];

//try to find current tree depth
$LEVEL_ID  		= array();
$LEVEL_KEY 		= array();
$LEVEL_STRUCT	= array();
$level_ID_array	= get_breadcrumb($content["cat_id"], $content['struct']);
$level_count	= 0;
foreach($level_ID_array as $key => $value) {
	$LEVEL_ID[$level_count]		= $key;
	$LEVEL_KEY[$key] 			= $level_count;
	$LEVEL_STRUCT[$level_count]	= $content['struct'][$key]['acat_name'];
	if($PERMIT_ACCESS && $content['struct'][$key]['acat_regonly']) {
		$PERMIT_ACCESS			= false; // only users have been logged in get access
$content['body_id'] = $LEVEL_ID;
in /index.php replace line 145-157 with this:

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// inject body tag in case of class or id attribute
$body_inject = '<body';
if($content['body_id'] !== false) {
	if(!empty($template_default['body']['class'])) {
		$body_inject .= ' class="';
		foreach($content['body_id'] as $val) $body_inject.=$template_default['body']['class'].$val.' ';
		$body_inject .='"';
	if(!empty($template_default['body']['id'])) {
		$body_inject .= ' id="'.$template_default['body']['id'].array_pop($content['body_id']).'"'; #gm# 
$content['page_start'] .= $body_inject.'>'.LF;

if you give some values in the like this:

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$template_default['body']['id'] = 'myid_';
$template_default['body']['class'] = 'myclass';
you get something like this for a level with id 11 whithin a level with id 3:

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<body class="myclass_0 myclass_3 myclass_11 " id="myid_11">
Now, you could set in your css attributes for body.myclass_3 and all sublevels of this are affected.

You can try it here:
Have fun
Last edited by swisscheese on Thu 15. Nov 2007, 08:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

No good solution! Sorry to say so. There is NO need to hack the core code to get that. Use frontend_render to set the var!

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by swisscheese »

Thanks Oliver. I made a frontend_render script:

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if(count($LEVEL_ID)) { 
	foreach($LEVEL_ID as $val) $bodyclass .= $template_default['body']['class'].$val.' ';
	$content['all'] = '<div class="'.$bodyclass.'">'."\n".$content['all']."\n</div>\n";
Altough: this will ad another div around the whole content. I don't have access to $content['page_start'] in frontend_render, do I? If I had, I could preg_replace the body tag...

have fun
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

all you have to do - inject these vars

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$template_default['body']['id'] = '';
$template_default['body']['class'] = '';
and maybe set

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$content['body_id'] = '';
in your frontend render script.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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