Nobody has explained the relation between browser's default language setting and phpwcms login language choose. This is - in my eyes - the correct answer.
Sunny123 wants to have "English" selected by default. But I guess his/her browser is set to Chinese language by default which is - maybe - available as translation on her/his install. So phpwcms selects this by default.
Here is why everything is correct - it is NOT a bug!!!
If default browser language is available in phpwcms it will automatically switch to this language otherwise if will fall back to phpwcms' default language setting.
It makes no sense to set to any another language than browser's default as long as your are not logged in! So check this value first.
After successful login user related language setting will be loaded.
I am a Chinese, but I always use English, so I hope to see the english page with Chinese browser!
so I hope can choose language just like phpmyadmin!
Last edited by sunny123 on Sat 6. Oct 2007, 03:45, edited 1 time in total.
phpMyAdmin uses the same technique - but additional sets a cookie - phpwcms does not set cookies.
But I guess you can read Chinese chars too - after login you will automatically switched to English if you have set your default backend language under your profile (in the backend). I think there is no real problem!
If you always choose English set your browser's default language to "en".
Oliver Georgi wrote:phpMyAdmin uses the same technique - but additional sets a cookie - phpwcms does not set cookies.
But I guess you can read Chinese chars too - after login you will automatically switched to English if you have set your default backend language under your profile (in the backend). I think there is no real problem!
If you always choose English set your browser's default language to "en".
If I sometime choose Chinese, sometime choose English, every time set browser's default language is a worry matter ! But phpmyadmin switch the language is very easy!
Login screen language selection enhanced: It supports now on the fly language change for login screen (javascript submit) in case password and/or login is not filled.
Cookie is set too and combined with login form and backend language selection.
Login screen language selection enhanced: It supports now on the fly language change for login screen (javascript submit) in case password and/or login is not filled.
Cookie is set too and combined with login form and backend language selection.
STOP hacking code!!!!!!
Last edited by Goran on Tue 2. Oct 2007, 14:14, edited 1 time in total.
Login screen language selection enhanced: It supports now on the fly language change for login screen (javascript submit) in case password and/or login is not filled.
Cookie is set too and combined with login form and backend language selection.
I'm sorry! I don't like the phpwcms backend login page, as a user, I like the phpmyadmin login page, it more considers for the user !
Please change it!