Backup of Webspace

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Backup of Webspace

Post by jscholtysik »

Hi all,

can anyone recommend me a cronjob-able (PHP) script that can

- run on a shared server (I do not have a managed one...)
- backup the complete webspace
- pack all files and folders and let the packed file in a folder at the FTP server
- email me when it's done so that I can fetch the packed file using FTP

Until now I use PHP Website Backup from , but the disadvantage of this PHP script is that you have to select manually via a graphical desktop which files and folders you want to backup... :-(

Thanks in advance

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Post by novallis »

Hallo jscholtysik,

take a look at this Posting:

I think, here you will find a good solution.

- Ralf

Post by jscholtysik »

Hi Ralf,

thanks!! I will try it.

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Post by oeconom »

Hi Jochaim,

good to see that others do have the same demand like me... :wink:
I tried that script, but for me it didnt work. Always aborted...

I emailed the author of the script, as the last version was quite old, and he told me that he actually doesn't continue development (perhaps some time again, but actually not).

So I'd also be curious to have a hint for a really good script!!!

Best wishes,
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Post by jscholtysik »

Hi Felix,

for me the script is working, so it is possible that some settings aren't right with you.

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Post by pico »

What's up, good People?

take a look to this
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Post by oeconom »

Hi frinds,
that script really looks very promising...!
I only have one problem with it: I cant get it having sent the email wit the zip file. I tried thousand variations, but can't get it working.
Any ideas/experiences here?

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Experimenting with phpwcms and hoping to have time one day to get a site live... :wink:
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