Graphical Text MOD - FINAL - Version 2.0

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Post by Jérôme »

I will release the new release this evening, I "just" have to do the styles section and enhanc the replacement tags and then, I think, the improvements will be quite visible.
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Post by bertalizer »

Hi Jérôme!

First I'd like to thank you for all your efforts and great work!

This is a realy cool hack but like frold stated, it would be very nice if we could use it for article titles etc...

Another question... would it be alot of trouble to incorporate the possibility to put anti-aliasing OFF.
When we use pixelfonts at a small size the anti-aliasing messes the text up. :(

Anti-aliasing is deactivated in imagettftext() by putting a minus (-) in front of the color like this:

Code: Select all

imagettftext($im, $size, 0, $font_start_x, $font_start_y,- $color, $fonttype, $text);
It could be hard-coded in fontizer.php, but then all images would be created with anti-aliasing off...
So if you would be so kind to extend the replacement tag :)


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Post by Jérôme »

i am just working with this MOD, and I have already included this feature, as you will certainly like to hear :).

The use of the replacement tags will be simplified and enhanced a lot, I am sure you will like it!
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Post by snobba »


Do you have ANY idee why the great mod doesn't work for some people? Using GD2 and running on a normal working phpwcms should be ok...I have really tried EVERYTHING...Also reinstalled it 10 times...Messed around with the code/paths...

But I am still standing with a big :?: !

Greetings from Martin
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Post by Jérôme »

i am sorry, snobba, I really don't know why some have the problems with this MOD...

I just hope that the new release (I will release it within the next 2 hours, I hope) will change things... :?
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Post by snobba »

:D You shouldn't be sorry for this...It's surely something with our own configurations. Looking forward(2 hours forward :wink: ) to the next release..Fingers crossed!

Greetz Martin
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Post by hofisoft »

frold wrote:When I try to test the mod on my webproviders server the mod doesn´t work

what could be wrong?

my phpinfo
Ich habe das selbe problemchen.
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Post by Jérôme »

Version 1.1 is now (finally) released

I am sorry that I needed more time as I said, but I wanted to be sure to present you a hopefully bugfree release, and here it is.

This release should be a huge improvement to version 1.0. It is now very easy to define colors and styles (it is not just easy, it is the first time ever that it is possible ;)) that you can easy implement in your frontend articles.

The usage of the replacement tags has changed a lot. instead of using one single RT for the procedure, you can now embrace other replacement tags with it, for example:


If one color changes a bit (for example if you want a slightly darker blue than before) you don't have to change the color value everywhere in your templates and articles - just change the color definition and every change is reflected on your site.

It's the same with the predefined styles, change it and see the results everywhere immediately.

Here comes the excerpt from the change log:

Code: Select all

##   2004-04-13 - Version 1.1
##      * Change in the use of the replacement tag. It is now possible to use other
##        replacement tags within a graphical text replacement tag
##      * Background color property added. This property is optional, but if it is not
##        given, the quality of the generated text will decrease massively
##      * Font preview in the backend added
##      * Anti-Aliasing switch
##      * Color presets
##        Ability to define names that represent colors. This makes subsequent changes to
##        colors easier and more effective (the changes are reflected on the whole website
##        immediately)
##      * Styles presets:
##        Ability to define combinations of font, size and colors for easier
##        inclusion in articles and subsequent site wide changes (the changes are reflected
##        on the whole website immediately
##      * Changement of replacement tags
##        * {GT:font_shortname:size:antialiasing:fgcolor:(bgcolor)}text{/GT}
##        * {GT:style}text{/GT} 
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Post by Jérôme »

And here are some nice pictures for those who don't dare installing the MOD ;)

Index Screen

Fonts list

Color list

Styles list

Styles edit
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Post by hofisoft »

neue version, altes problem ;)

mir werden immernoch keine bilder angezeigt, warum auch immer
hier die url zu infophp von mir falls dir das was hilft

vieleicht fällt dir ne lösung ein, da ich ne php niete bin :D

diese fehlermeldung bekomm ich wenn ich nen farbstil anlegen will

Graphical Text - Error in query:INSERT INTO phpwcms_fonts_colors SET color_name='schwarz', color_info='000000'

und bei stile wenn ich einen anlegen will, wird mir jede schriftart zweimal angezeigt.
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Post by Jérôme »

Mensch, mensch, mensch!

An deiner phpinfo seh ich nichts, was fehlen könnte, ganz im gegenteil, da ist ja sogar schön viel drin.

Hast du irgendeinen messenger, über den wir schneller kommunizieren können, um dem Problem auf die Schliche zu kommen?
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Post by Jérôme »

hofisoft wrote:diese fehlermeldung bekomm ich wenn ich nen farbstil anlegen will

Graphical Text - Error in query:INSERT INTO phpwcms_fonts_colors SET color_name='schwarz', color_info='000000'

und bei stile wenn ich einen anlegen will, wird mir jede schriftart zweimal angezeigt.
Mist, da war ich wohl doch wieder zu schnell. Den einen Fehler habe ich gerade behoben, um den anderen kümmere ich mich jetzt und werde dann direkt ein neues Release hochladen.
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Post by hofisoft »

ich bin im channel #qui-tu nick:hofisoft zu erreichen, messenger benutz ich ned, da kann ich ja gleich das scheunentor aufmachen ;)

achja, im artikel wird diesmal kein fehlendes bild angezeigt, sondern nur der text als solches, also als text nix grafik

edit2: super , dank jerome is das problem gelöst, auf die knie fall und füsse küss für die super arbeit :D
Last edited by hofisoft on Tue 13. Apr 2004, 04:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jérôme »

Version 1.1.1 released

This release fixes the problem of some users that could not see any generated graphics.

This was due to different settings in the php.ini file (open_basedir/include settings). I have fixed this by using the document_root and phpwcms_root variables. I hope this causes not other problems - until now this seems to work.

Thanks to hofisoft for testing my pre-releases on his server.

Please notice: No special chars like äöüßéô etc. are allowed for font/color/style names.
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Post by pSouper »

not so good if we would like to name our styles after thier father 'Jérôme' ;)