A better module-management

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A better module-management

Post by metti »

Hi there!

I don't know how other users of phpwcms think about this but in my oppinion a better management of modules would make sense, if you have to update your phpwcms-installation (and this is done not seldom).

Maybe there's a better solution but i had some ideas how to handle this:

=>A "module-table" in the phpwcms-database, where paths, visibility, usage and other things are stored.

=>A "primary-module" in the backend, where you can register/(un)install modules and change the settings stored in the "module-table"

=>In combination with the PclZip-Library it would make sense to make a complete module-installer, with that you can upload, unzip and install a module, that is written in the usual way.

I guess once this is realized you don't have to edit phpwcms.php and the content.func.inc.php every time you update your system.

I would do this for my self and not report this to this forum, if it was'nt senseless as long as there is no solution like this in new phpwcms-releases. (because then i had to change the new release for my mod-needs :lol: )

Hope my idea of installing modules without editing/changing the core code makes sense for you.
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

is planned but it's more complex than you believe. Sounds easy - but it isn't. Some more work has to be done before this will come.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by metti »

Hm okay. I guess what makes it more complicated is, that many modules don't just need modifications in the phpwcms.php and front.func.inc.php but in other corescripts too and writeable folders outside the inc_module folder.
Am i right or are there (many) other problems? Otherwise i would like to try for solving this.
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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

please, don't try. It will be wasted time.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer | GitHub | LinkedIn | Систрон
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Post by metti »

Eye eye Sir!
Than i better won't try.

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