{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} different in index.php

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{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} different in index.php

Post by ramchester »

A weird problem I can't seem to fix. I updated to version 1.2.8 and I got working apart from the {NAV_LIST_COLUMN:1} rt I have in the template. The RT works everywhere else except the first page. So in index.php it's not working properly, it just displays the menu as a list of links. When you click on a link, however, the following page displays the menu correctly. I have only one template in the site, so I can't seem to figure this out.

I tried putting the RT inside a DIV and I do get some results, but what should I do to get it working? It doesn't appear to be a <ul> list. I'd like to style it all in CSS, but how?
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Post by flip-flop »

Hi ramchester,

have a look: http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=70423#70423

Please use the search funktion. :wink:
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri 11. Jun 2004, 11:10

Post by ramchester »

Thanks, that fixed it!
flip-flop wrote:Please use the search funktion. :wink:
Tried search and actually found the right thread, but was discouraged because of all the German language. Didn't scroll enough to find the answer... :P
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