UPDATED - FCKeditor 2.3 Final (pico's Version)

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Post by konse »

flip-flop wrote:
Sorry, ich bin halt eher so der Typ von uns beiden, der so'n Text nur soweit liest, wie er denkt, dass es für ihn relevant ist. ....
Mhh, vorsichtig ausgedrückt ist das nicht sehr zukunftsträchtig für dich. Wie hättest du es den gern, soll pico es nebeneinander schreiben oder in ein Hologramm packen? Nützt wahrscheinlich auch nix, da steht dann die Relevantz im Weg.

Ich denke pico hat schon verstanden wie ich das meine, du aber glaub ich nicht?!?
Anders ausgedrückt: Ich hab's verrafft picos Erläuterungen bis zum Ende durchzulesen und versuche mich zu bessern!
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Post by marcus@localhorst »

der neue FCK 2.3 Editor ist aller erste sahne!
besonders die geschwindikeit.
danke für die anpassung ans CMS und überhaupt :-)
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Post by jsw_nz »

This is really great - have historically had problems with 'configuring' Fck2 - now having some of the Fck config settings drawn from phpwcms/conf.inc.php - makes this very reliable, once installed.

Just a note IE 5.5 doesn't like Fck2 - but since its marketshare is below 5% - is no problem situation....

I love the phpwcms button for images - really great job Pico!
:D :D
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FCK Eitor Updaten

Post by johannv78 »


Also ich habe den Editor so wie hier beschrieben upgedatet.
Meine Config Dateien angepasst und alles.

Jetzt bekomme ich aber die meldung
The Connector is disabled
edit filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/config.php.

Was kann ich tun?
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Post by marcus@localhorst »

after installing/updateing the FCK I can't use the filemanager.
files and permission seems ok but I get the "Over Disk Quota" Error while uploading an Image, and I can't make folders (safemode=off).
How to fix that?
(similar: http://phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t ... disk+quota )
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Post by terry_b »

Hi Marcus,

Did you try to add those lines in your file config.inc.php (in the folder config/phpwcms)

Code: Select all

// values for FCKeditor ; 
    $phpwcms['UploadPath']      = 'picture/upload';      // path to Uploadfolder from FCK Browser; 
    $phpwcms['image_path']      = 'phpwcms_filestorage'; // path to phpWCMS Filestorage; 
    $phpwcms['image_url']       = "www.yourdomain.tld";           // Servername 'www.yourdomain.tld'; 

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Post by pico »


wich Version do you try ?

there is a new Version -> http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=68910#68910

and recheck all Steps for Installation from here http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=66626#66626


seems that you have changed something in fckconfig.js - or did you take the Original FCKeditor from sourceforge or FCKeditor Homepage?
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Post by dernier_recours »

I use phpwcms version 1.2.5. I tried pico's version of FCKEditor, but I receive the following message. I don't know if the server runs on safe mode, but I tried both options. I still receive the following message.

Invalid base directory: /public_html/phpwcms_filestorage

Indeed, this directory exists.

Any solution?

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