How many languages can YOU speak?

Post non-phpwcms related topics here - but I don't want to see "hey check this or that other cms". Post if you have a point or worthwhile comment, don't post just to increase you post count!
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Post by ff123 »

Dutch (native)
French (a bit)

Ek sal regtig hou om te praat afrikaans.
I would like to speak afrikaans, because thats such a funny language!
-- Vuurvos --
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Post by marcus@localhorst »

english (more than in school :-)
saxony slang (a little bit :-) I live there, but my friends said I don't speak the very native slang)

I would like to speak more german slangs like the north, or ruhrpott because that is funny for me hehe. and i like french, but no need to learnd it, at the moment.
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Post by Kulinarisk »

Dansk (Indfødt)
Svenska (Älskar elg jakten)
Français (Sacre Bleu!!)
Castillano (¡Viva España!)
and last but not least.. English (American version, 4 years of schooling) 8)
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Post by Kosse »

Written/spoken ~almost~ perfectly:
- français (12-23 studied in french at school+university Brussels Belgium)
- español (mother tongue studied 23-27 university Santiago de Chile)
- nederlands (0-12 flemish school Leuven Belgium)
- english (never got where and when but I think it's ok ;)
Speak/understand (write verrry badly):
português (married brazilian girl)
Understand/try to monkey-wise-communicate:

Would like to:
write and understand better: german and italian, learn some chinese or such...
Because basically, I hate when I don't understand ;)

Cheers, Saludos, Groeten, Salut
Marcos Peebles
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Post by peri »

- Español (native)
- Deutsch (native)
- English
- understand italian

Hasta pronto, man sieht sich, cheers
Ich werd jetzt erst einmal eine Tasse Tee trinken ... mhh lecker

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Post by Marko »

colech wrote:What does "Tottelemattomuus" mean?
It means disobedience. 8)
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Post by miershpedankl »

- English
- Korean
- Spanish (mostly)
- German (mainly reading)
- Belizian Creol (at least I used to)
- Learning Chinese
If you don't let ANYTHING happen to someone, then NOTHING will happen to them.
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Post by Melotrance »


Deutsch & English (a little :D )

Greet Mikel
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Post by Darkmatter »

- English
- Spanish
- French

Fluent in all three, no accents :)
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Post by breitsch »

I really don't know what exactly this thread is trying to tell us (me).
But as I like unorthodox ideas, here my contribution to the nonsense:
  • German - (nativ) well actually it's swiss-german, a terrible idiom of a remote mountain tribe in central europe
    French - my teacher tortured me with that, nowadays he'd end in prison (or at least in CNN) for that
    English - sometimes I regret to have learnd it, specially when I listen to some politics!
    Spanish - Dios mio, I really love this lingo!
    Arabic - I'm working hard on it right now, thats tough I can tell you! Well maybe I regret it in a few years as well when I start to understand those politics
because it's important!
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Post by colech »

breitsch wrote:
  • Arabic - I'm working hard on it right now, thats tough I can tell you! Well maybe I regret it in a few years as well when I start to understand those politics
My cousin is in special forces with the US army and speaks very fluent Arabic. He is currently in (surprise) Iraq. He went to linguistic school where they were not allowed to speak another word of English after the first day of school. Both he and his wife went through the same training and so whenever they would get into an argument around us they would start speaking at a very rapid rate and slightly increased volumes in Arabic. It sounds soooo wierd to hear that coming out of a white red-haired person. The writing is even crazier :) I think it would be a very cool language to learn though. I have other friends who were going to go as missionaries to Yemen and so I have subscribed to the Yemen Times, an English printed Yemen newspaper, to learn more about the culture. There really are a lot of changes over there even before the recent war. The press is really promoting freedom of speech and are making headway... but it is still not uncommon to be put in jail, attacked in allies, threatened and even murdered in some cases. Here is an article from this February describing some of this.
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