email contact form - problem with SMTP

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email contact form - problem with SMTP

Post by deanloh »

I cant use MAIL, so I changed to SMTP.

When tested with the old form generator, the email sent out without problem (that shows SMTP is working), but when I tested the new form, it just wont frigging work!!

After all kinds of testing, I realized the strange behaviour:
My form has a "Full name" field - It's just a single-line text field, required.
When I filled in my name (Dean Loh) inside the field - it returned with this error message:

Code: Select all

Language string failed to load: from_failedDean Loh
I looked into the language file, I found out "from_failed" is supposed to render "The following From address failed:"

Somehow I gathered the script was taking my name field as the email address field, so for testing purpose, I filled in an email address in the "Full name" field and voila! It worked!

Trouble is: why the hell I had to fill in email address in the Full name field, and having the situation like that, how are users going to fill in their name?

This is getting me crazy, I have spent 3 hours on this and achieved nothing. Someone please help me out here.

Somehow I feel this has something to do with class.phpmailer.php file. Maybe you can start from there...
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Post by volkman »

i had the same problem on my production-server at home, when i used smtp. reason was - as far as i remember - that my isp did not allow mail-relay (formmail from my local server had to go through their mailserver). the problems disappeared when i put the system on the website that has its own mailserver.
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Post by rollofritz »


same problem - and a question how to solve:

the provider of the site we are working for did not support local e-mail-
so we can not solve the problem on volkmans way...

one possibility to solve: doing the "full-name" field as "hidden" in the contact formular.
this is working well, but in the source-code of the page ist coming this e-mail-
adress as "plain text"

Question: is this a problem for the site security or also for possible spamming-problems?


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