ddubach wrote:Will the sort and paging function for frontend ever be available in own created templates??
fardilha wrote:One thing that I realized is that MooFX doesn't use the template that I create for the "auto template" so the options to not "show the category name" and "paging" on a certain number of rows doesn't work.
The same can be said from the fields that are empy.
On the auto layout, they just don't appear.
Is there any way to make this options work with MooFX lists ?
Download 'Update 233' from
This will update your Exdata Module (Version 2.0 +) with the following features:
in moo.fx-templates and personal templates:
- Add Sort-Drop-Down and/or Paging with Replacementtag as shown below.
- Now it cuts empty entries.
To use the functions in your templates:
Open the main-template an add the following Replacementtags as shown in the example:
for the paging-funcion: {EXD_PAGES:[number of entries on one page]:[text before the pagelisting]}
for the sort-funcion: {EXD_SORT:[text before the sort-drop-down]}
Code: Select all
<div id="exd_head">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="50%" align="left" id="exd_paging">{EXD_PAGES:3:page}</td>
<td width="50%" align="right" id="exd_sort">{EXD_SORT:sort by}</td>
<div id="exd_items">
Save this main-template as e.g. page.sort.template.php in directory: mod_exdata/inc_front/templates
then use this main-template as second parameter in EXDATA-RT as:
{EXDATA:[id of category]:page.sort.template.php:[listing.template]}
The css-definitions (#exd_paging + #exd_sort in example above) can be added in mod_exdata/inc_front/templates/exdata.css
Running example (with moo.fx but it's the same for personal templates):