Tags to list content by category

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Tags to list content by category

Post by marco »

I feature that is highly desirable im many web sites/applications is the ability
to display and navigate content by category, using a Yahoo directory type listing.

The entries are clickable links that bring up either a listing of the lower
level structure, or the leaf entries.

The leaf entries are often followed by a series of attributes, such as: rating, number of views, comments, etc.

The tag should be generic enough to allow it to be reused on nearly all content types that can be organized in a hierarchy, using the already existing control panel

From what I can see, since we already have the ability to capture keywords in the
current release, it would be nice to also have the ability to post related entries
for the particular item.

Here's a web site structure, with different content categories:

1 Articles
1.1 Tutorials
1.1.1 CSS
1.1.2 PHP Building phpwcms applications (this is the article) installing phpwcms

2 Yellow Pages (e.g. Business directory lsiting)
3 Web Links (e.g.a links directory)
4 Downloads (e.g. a scripts repository)
5 etc.

This is already done, so the part that is missing is the directory
type listing of entries.

Here's an example that does a good job of organizing mostly text content,
and allowing to easily find any particular item on the site.
It does not have item attributes (see below).


The ability to comment on, rate, print, or mail the item to other users should
be pretty much applicable to many content types, such as articles, downloads, links,
images, business listing entry, etc.

If these are defined as standard attributes for the given content types, then a generic data entry form could perhaps be written for the end user.

I think it may be possible to add the attributes to the existing admin panel but what is neded is to allow non-admin users to post content via a few standard forms, which can be called by a few additional tags.

Presentation and styling can be left to the administrator.

This sounds like a lot, but what is needed, I think, is:

a) Relacement tag with variables to list categories in a Yahoo type directory, such as this:
(why Yahoo type? because it uses the least space and it is easy to navigate)

Movies (3/15)
French (5) Italian (5) Japanese (5)

b) Content replacement tag with parameters to list content items in a category, with or without attributes:

"Le Diner des Cons, a great French comedy" *****

Reviews (20), Views (100), Rate it, Suggest to friend, Print etc.

Related Entries:

"Le Placard, another great comedy"

c) Replacement tag for "Related Entries"

d) Replacement tag to invoke a form that will allow the end users to post content and its attributes (comments, ratings etc.). Maybe this is already planned.

One more thing would be useful:

Custom ranking of the entries in a list:

e.g. Item X is listed in position 9 out of 10, for instance. This can be used to promote a
listing to a higher position if the site user pays a fee, e.g. list my entry in
position number 1, instead of 9.

Since I am not a developer, I can volunteer to at least write the documentation (in english, since I do not speak german),
if these features are implemented.