[SOLVED] contentpart newsletter - success_text

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[SOLVED] contentpart newsletter - success_text

Post by burna »


kleines problem beim contentpart newsletter.
beim eintragen eines empfängers im frontend wird dieser zwar einwandfrei gespeichert, jedoch bekommt er im frontend keine bestätigungsmeldung!

hab mir schon in der dazugehörigen "cnt12.article.inc.php" die codezeilen angeguckt. hab da auch nichts verändert.

irgendwelche vorschläge was da sein könnte?

vielen dank im vorraus für jede hilfe, lg, bernard


little problem with the contentpart newsletter in frontend.
when i subscribe a new user, it correctly add it into database, but the user doesn't get the success_text in the frontend.

i don't make any changes to the "cnt12.article.inc.php".

any help would be really appreciated!

greet, bernard

PS: release phpwcms_dev_1[1].2.6_14.12.2005
Last edited by burna on Wed 12. Apr 2006, 10:47, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 13
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Location: NÖ/Austria

newsletter again

Post by burna »

the newsletter's drivin me crazy!

does anybody have a hint for me?
got no more ideas.

the next problem:
i get no verification-email, no test-email, no newsletter.
and YES the user is verified ;-)

my settings in the config file:

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL']   = 'my@email.com'; // reply/from email address
$phpwcms['SMTP_FROM_NAME']    = 'MyName'; // reply/from name
$phpwcms['SMTP_HOST']         = 'localhost'; // SMTP server (host/IP)
$phpwcms['SMTP_PORT']         = 25; // SMTP-Server port (default 25)
$phpwcms['SMTP_MAILER']       = 'mail'; // default phpMailer: smtp, mail (default), sendmail
$phpwcms['SMTP_AUTH']         = 0; // sets SMTP_AUTH to ON/OFF
$phpwcms['SMTP_USER']         = ''; // default SMTP login (user) name
$phpwcms['SMTP_PASS']         = ''; // default SMTP password
why i use "mail" instead of "smtp"? provider!

is there a difference between the mailing method in php5? the server was updated the last week, did'nt try it at php4....

any suggestions? need help!
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