Length of summary - how do we control?

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Carsten Legaard
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Length of summary - how do we control?

Post by Carsten Legaard »

The default summary seems to be a full article. At least all of the lines of my articles show up before the link "More...".
How do I control these measures?
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Carsten Legaard
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Length of summary - how do we control?

Post by Carsten Legaard »

I did try, what is recommended in the Docu, to use the sample.tmpl template in "Template: Article listing".
It did not change anything.
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Post by pepe »

Hi Carsten, you are on the wrong way...

Take only a summary as a summary :lol: (3 or 4 lines) and not the whole article text!!

The rest, what will be shown after klicking the more... link put it into one or more contentparts... thats the way it works :idea:
Carsten Legaard
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Post by Carsten Legaard »

Oh yes, now I see, it has been right at my feet all of the time.
Thus I was blind.
Thanks a lot. Again.
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Post by pepe »

Hi Carsten... by the way...

change the Logo of SENVINET to a GIF, and that uggly artefakts are gone :idea:
Carsten Legaard
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Post by Carsten Legaard »

Damned, I'm on the wrong way again.
Can't make the rest of an article go away, though I did put it in a content part.
Could this be because the article belongs to an index page?
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Carsten Legaard
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Post by Carsten Legaard »

Well, I can put the answer to that Q. myself:
I tried with a second level and a thrid level article as well. None of them would show up before and after any 'more' link. They both showed up at the same page.
Where the hack do I go wrong??
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Carsten Legaard
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Post by Carsten Legaard »

... And even if I make sure to mark the choice of a 'more' link, the link does not show up at all.
Isn't that strange?
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Carsten Legaard
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Thanks, Pepe, I'll see to that

Post by Carsten Legaard »

Recently I tried to change the jaypeg to a GIF - without no significant result.
I think I will have to remake that logo from scratch.
Me and my companions in Kenya are preparing a set of stylish, layout and css changes. Partly as a result of your advice, so thanks, and keep watching!
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Post by pepe »

Hi Carsten,
the more thing is only working, when you are using more then one artikle in the same category!!

In addition, you must change the worth of TopArticles inside ADMIN from -1 to a bigger worth, say 5 or 10!
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