Problem with Admin username/password

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Problem with Admin username/password

Post by Monkeeg »

When I try to install phpwcms on my website, I keep getting a message about a problem with my admin username/password whenever I try to complete step 2 of the install process. I've tried with the default settings, but I stille get the error!

This only happens if I check the "Create Admin Account" box, but if I don't do this - I won't have an admin account!!!

I anyone knows why this happens, please help me!

Post by Pappnase »


please drop all phpwcms tables in your db and re-run the setup again!
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Post by dariuschiu »

I'm having the exact problem and although i drop and then create the database and then recopy the setup folder, when i get to step 2 i still cannot create the admin account

What i'm running:
system: Windows NT DARIUS 5.1 build 2600
server: Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.1.2
php: v5.1.2

MySQL is 5.0

I looked at the setup.php and i tried to manually add the admin user using SQL:
insert into phpwcms_user(usr_login,usr_pass,usr_email,usr_admin,usr_aktiv
,usr_name,usr_fe) values ("darius","darius","darius",1,1,"darius",2);

but it says:
ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'usr_var_structure' doesn't have a default value
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Post by pSouper »

is this error relating to you providing an incorrect admin user/password for your database ?

IIRC this step is trying to login to the server an failing due to an incorrect database user/pass

please comfirm you are not inputting a new different user/password thinking this is for the backend admin area.
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