NAV replacement tag

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Posts: 22
Joined: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 13:41

NAV replacement tag

Post by tommi »

Me again...
How can I spread teh menu over NAV_LIST_CURRENT and NAV_LIST_TOP?
Lets say first 3 Items of the side struct are in NAVI_LIST_TOP, rest is in Navi_LIST_CURRENT ?
Can I handle this in PHPWCMS with indices, and if so, in which file?

Greetings and wish 4 a nice afternoon, tommi
Posts: 78
Joined: Thu 12. Feb 2004, 16:11
Location: Rostock

Post by StefanR »

How can I spread teh menu over NAV_LIST_CURRENT and NAV_LIST_TOP?
Look into frontent.css from #list_level_ul
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 13:41

Post by tommi »

Hi Stefan, thx, got it!
Just saw that there is a dynamic version for each menu tag available!
Ciao, Tommi
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 13:41

früh gefreut

Post by tommi »

StefanR wrote:
How can I spread teh menu over NAV_LIST_CURRENT and NAV_LIST_TOP?
Look into frontent.css from #list_level_ul
Hi Stefan, d.h. die Tags müssen in die frontend.css? Ich hab keinen Schimmer, wie der Code hier aussehen müsste.
Im Template hat ein {NAV_LIST_TOP:5:} jedenfall nix als denselben String ausgegeben.
Ciao; Tommi