What Version of phpwcms did I install 2 years ago ?

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What Version of phpwcms did I install 2 years ago ?

Post by foxi »

Hi wise guys :)

2 years ago I installed phpwcms for a website and fed it quite a bit.
Last week I moved to a new ISP and it won't work at all. I already moved another website utilizing phpwcms 1.2.5 to my new ISP (HostEurope) and it works.

Now I'd like to update the old site to the latest version to check if this is working for me.

My problem: I can't find the version of my old site anywhere to use the right SQL-steps during update.

WHERE do I find a correct version information? What version of phpwcms am I using ??

Hope any1 knows,
thanks in advance,
bye, Martin

Kurz auf Deutsch: Wo finde ich eine verlässliche Versions-Info einer mittlerweile ca. 2 Jahre alten phpwcms-Installation?
Danke schon mal für alle Antworten!

Post by Pappnase »


schau mal anch dem changelog da gabe snoch eines zu der zeit :-)
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon 2. Feb 2004, 10:10
Location: Dresden, Germany

Post by foxi »

Da geh' ich am Stock!
Datt ging wieda mal Pappnasen-artig fix...
Du sollst doch um die Zeit schlafen, menno :roll:

Thanks! Changelog did it, its Version v1.1-RC2 (2004/01/22).

Danke PNase :)

ciao, foxi
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