Login trouble

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Joined: Fri 3. Feb 2006, 20:02

Login trouble

Post by SwedishElk »

Having some trouble to log in in my installation. Everything is looking normal, I can browse the site. But when I try to login I only end up at the same page, no direction to to the Backend page.

I moved the system from Linux to Windows, checked the MySQL. Looking good, and I don't get any error from the login page.

Apche reports:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [03/Feb/2006:19:58:11 +0100] "POST /login.php HTTP/1.1" 302 -
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [03/Feb/2006:19:58:11 +0100] "GET /phpwcms.php HTTP/1.1" 302 -
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [03/Feb/2006:19:58:11 +0100] "GET /login.php HTTP/1.1" 200 7598

302 isn't that the code for a page that has moved??? Sessions are working, DB connection is working.

Any ideas where to start looking?

Post by Pappnase »


did you have something like intenert security installed or an other firewall. maybe this don't allow to reffer to the backend. or you lost somehow the session for login the backend.

is this an fresh install!?
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri 3. Feb 2006, 20:02

Post by SwedishElk »

No, nothing else then my Antivirus software. Is there any way to get some more output to see what's happening?
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon 22. Nov 2004, 13:32
Location: Magdeburg

login.php -> phpwcms -> login.php

Post by joscha »

Hi @ll,

i have the release 1.2.5 installed on the server of a customer. Everything has been fine the last months.

but since this morning i can't login! If i type-in my user/password i retur to login.php (without an error). if i fill in an wrong username, i got the normal error-message.

does anybody know this problem?


Hi @ll,

Ich habe auf dem Server eines Kunden das release 1.2.5 installiert. Hat auch die letzten Monate alles wunderbar geklappt.

Aber seit heute morgen, kann ich mich nicht mehr einloggen. Sobald ich mit User+Passwort eingelogt werde, werde ich wieder auf login.php zurückgeworfen (ohne Fehlermeldung). Tipppe ich einen flaschen Username ein, kommt die übliche Fehlermeldung.

Kennt jemand dieses Problem?

The Domain:
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon 22. Nov 2004, 13:32
Location: Magdeburg

Server restrictions

Post by joscha »

Is it possible, that Greatnet (the hoster) has set other server-restrictions?

Ist es möglich, dass Greatnet (der Hoster) andere Serverberechtigungen gesetzt hat?

Post by Pappnase »


möglich wärs.

oder aber auf dem pc wurde irgendeine sec. suite installiert! ;-)
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