When trying to insert an image with SPAW, I get the standard popup window with the message
'Library doesn't physically exist' - at the bottom of the dialogue box. Also the browse button is disabled...so effectively there is no review of images on server, nor any means of uploading files from client.
The installation is working off a linux server (shared)...and this is likely a path declaration problem.
Not too familiar with the proper way to going about troubleshooting and fixing this within Linux.
Have put the manual declaration of $SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = ..... in conf.inc.php in order to load Spaw:
Code: Select all
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/www/virtual/www.bware.co.nz/htdocs/';
Yet when I click the insert image, I get the message....as mentioned above. Otherwise Spaw loads correctly. All directories have been Cmoded correctly. Might this have to do with special read directory priviledges...since the spaw script is basically not finding them....and why the browse functionality is not working is strange, but it is likely conditional on finding upload directories in the first place.
Wanted to ask if others have encountered this problem in linux configurations.
I would like to get this feature working for this installation...and this is the very first time I have encountered this error.