Newbie Questions -

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Newbie Questions -

Post by JuhaMikkola »

Hello PHPWCMS Users

I have inherited a website designed in PHPWCMS. There are three different sites but the first one I am trying to learn is at

I understand basic HTML and have learned a lot on my own in the past day or two. However I don't really understand how PHPWCMS displays the news articles and how I can control where they show up.

Take the index page for example at:

- How do I get the news articles I have entered to show up at the top right hand column of this page? I would think this would happen in the templates section of the admin control but I'm not sure how I define where/how to display the news.

For ****, the news articles DO show up here: ... 14,0,0,1,0
But not at the top of the column as I would like.

- How can I create a page that would NOT have content in the middle but just provide a list of all of the news articles as the content? This would be considered a NEWS page.

- How can I include images in my news articles?

I really appreciate your help!


Posts: 8
Joined: Thu 26. Jan 2006, 00:48

Post by JuhaMikkola »

Hello Everyone,

As you may notice by checking out the site, I figured out how to make the News articles appear on the main page.

How do I get the news articles to appear at the top of the right hand side column?

I am still hoping to get some advice on how to create a "News" page as well.


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Joined: Thu 26. Jan 2006, 00:48

Post by JuhaMikkola »

Can someone PLEASE help me get the news articles to go to the TOP of the column on my pages? I don't understand how to do that.

See this: ... 11,0,0,1,0

The news is centered vertically in the middle of the page which looks horrible.

Thanks for your help.


Post by Pappnase »


create an table for the left template row with align=top
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu 26. Jan 2006, 00:48

Post by JuhaMikkola »

Pappnase wrote:hello

create an table for the left template row with align=top
Hi Pappnase,

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately I'm not sure what you mean... as the news content is in the RIGHT hand side of the template not in the LEFT hand side.

When I first tried to edit the template the RIGHT hand side content was COMPLETELY EMPTY. I created a new blank table there with align="top" property but it did nothing... I also changed the property of the left hand side table to include this alignment just in case but no luck.

Can you please help me out? Thanks so much in advance.

All the best,


PS; here is left template code

<table width="130" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="top">
<td><table width="130" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr bgcolor="#CC0000">
<td width="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="110" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src=" ... enu_01.jpg" width="110" height="32"></td>
<td><a href=" ... html"><img src=" ... enu_02.jpg" width="110" height="9" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_03.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_04.jpg" width="110" height="9" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_05.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_06.jpg" width="110" height="9" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_07.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_08.jpg" width="110" height="21" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_09.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href="photos.html"><img src=" ... enu_10.jpg" width="110" height="9" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_11.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_12.jpg" width="110" height="9" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_13.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_14.jpg" width="110" height="9" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_15.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_16.jpg" width="110" height="21" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_17.jpg" width="110" height="10"></td>
<td><a href=" ... ,1,0"><img src=" ... enu_18.jpg" width="110" height="21" border="0"></a></td>
<td><img src=" ... enu_19.jpg" width="110" height="22"></td>
<td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td><div align="center"><img src=" ... Gbb_jn.jpg" width="91" height="52"></div></td>
<td width="20"><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="5" height="5"></td>
<td><div align="center"><span class="style4"><a href=" ... 0">MESSAGE BOARD </a></span></div></td>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td><div align="center"><a href=" ... join"><img src=" ... o_join.jpg" width="91" height="52" border="0"></a></div></td>
<td><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="5" height="5"></td>
<td><div align="center" class="style4"><a href=" ... in">CANADA CUP </a></div></td>
<td><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="5" height="5"></td>
<td><div align="center"><span class="style4"><a href=" ... n">MAILING LIST</a> </span></div></td>
<a href=""> </a>
<a target="_blank" href="">
<img src=""
alt="International Floorball Tournament" height=60 width=130><br></a>

<a target="_blank" href="">
<img src=""
alt="International Youth Floorball Tournament" height=60 width=130></a>

here is right template code after I added the table
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="top">

here is header:
<table width="800" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="#000000"><table class="PFN" width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr bgcolor="#ED2124">
<td width="176"><img src="" width="176" height="14"></td>
<td width="622" align="left" bgcolor="#ED2124"><p class="style20"><a href="" class="pfn">PLAYFLOORBALL.COM</a><img src=" ... op_red.jpg" width="15" height="8"><a href="" class="pfn">CANADA CUP 2006</a> <img src=" ... op_red.jpg" width="15" height="8"><a href="" class="pfn">CFUL</a><img src=" ... op_red.jpg" width="15" height="1"><a href="" class="pfn style5">FLOORBALLPRO.COM</a></p> </td>
<td width="2" align="right"><img src="" width="2" height="14"></td>
<td bgcolor="#000000"><img src=" ... _black.jpg" width="5" height="5"></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="2"><img src="" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="796"><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="2"><img src="" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="21%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="" width="10" height="5"></td>
<td><img src=" ... eblogo.gif" width="343" height="48" vspace="15"></td>
<td width="79%"><div align="right" class="style6"><img src="" width="250" height="50"></div></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="5"><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="10" height="5"></td>
<td><span class="style6"><a href="index.php">HOME</a> / <a href=" ... CTATORS</a> / <a href=" ... ">MEDIA</a> / <a href=" ... PONSORS</a> / <a href=" ... CIPANTS</a> / <a href=" ... EFEREES</a> </span></td>
<td width="5">&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="2"><img src="" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="2"><img src="" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td bgcolor="#000000"><img src=" ... _black.jpg" width="5" height="5"></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src=" ... ronttr.jpg" width="800" height="200"></td>
<td bgcolor="#000000"><img src=" ... _black.jpg" width="5" height="5"></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src=" ... _front.jpg" width="800" height="40"></td>

<table width="800" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="right"><span class="style6"><a href="index.php">HOME</a> / <a href="index.php?id=8,9,0,0,1,0">SPECTATORS</a> / <a href="index.php?id=3,4,0,0,1,0">MEDIA</a> / <a href="index.php?id=4,5,0,0,1,0">SPONSORS</a> / <a href="index.php?id=7,8,0,0,1,0">PARTICIPANTS</a> / <a href="index.php?id=13,13,0,0,1,0">REFEREES</a><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="10" height="10"></span></div></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="right">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="2"><img src="" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td><img src=" ... spacer.jpg" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="2"><img src="" width="2" height="2"></td>
<div align="center">
<table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="spacer_black.jpg" width="5" height="10"></td>
<td><img src=" ... sors_f.jpg" width="800" height="116" border="0" usemap="#Map">
<map name="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="5,4,123,40" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="135,5,307,32" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="320,6,476,33" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="493,8,650,36" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="666,7,796,39" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="615,60,789,104" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="543,57,592,109" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="445,60,527,107" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="390,56,426,109" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="313,55,371,110" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="225,49,299,112" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="112,55,215,111" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="1,66,106,108" href="">
<td><img src="spacer_black.jpg" width="5" height="10"></td>
<td><img src=" ... rs_f_2.jpg" width="262" height="70" border="0" usemap="#Map3"><img src="" width="183" height="60" hspace="40" border="0" usemap="#Map2">
<map name="Map2">
<area shape="rect" coords="3,19,79,56" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="94,19,175,58" href="">
<map name="Map2">
<area shape="rect" coords="3,19,79,56" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="94,19,175,58" href="">
<map name="Map3">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,15,63,56" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="78,2,260,73" href="">
<td><div align="center"><a href=""><img src=" ... rafted.jpg" width="200" height="21" vspace="5" border="0"></a></div></td>
<map name="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="5,4,123,40" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="135,5,307,32" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="320,6,476,33" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="493,8,650,36" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="666,7,796,39" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="615,60,789,104" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="543,57,592,109" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="445,60,527,107" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="390,56,426,109" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="313,55,371,110" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="225,49,299,112" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="112,55,215,111" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="1,66,106,108" href="">
<map name="Map2">
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<area shape="rect" coords="94,19,175,58" href="">

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Post by DeXXus »

If you view the source "rendered" you'll see this:

Code: Select all

<TD width=200><BR><SPAN class=contentHead>Latest News</SPAN>
It needs to become this:

Code: Select all

<TD vAlign=top width=200><BR><SPAN class=contentHead>Latest News</SPAN>
Also you are missing a closing javascript tag:

Code: Select all

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript>
function openInPopup(aObj,w,h)
	return false;
<style type="text/css" media="all">
Should be:

Code: Select all

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript>
function openInPopup(aObj,w,h)
	return false;
<style type="text/css" media="all">
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Post by JuhaMikkola »


Thanks to everyone for their help. I managed to figure out how to get the news articles to the top of the column on my own. I have yet to edit or add in the closing Javascript tag that was suggested in the previous post as I am not sure what it does.

As you know, I am new to PHP WCMS and I currently have a website with the news articles listed in the right column of each page on our website here:

(1) I am trying to find a way to get the news articles listed on a NEWS page where all of the news articles ever posted are listed in summary form for browsing. I would love to also include a photo with each news title as the author of the following website has done at International Diving Directory website: ... y_news_csc

Can anyone advise me on how I could set this up? I want to keep the latest articles posted on the right hand side of the site on all the regular pages.

(2) I am also hoping to include a large photo gallery on the website. Is there a way for me to use PHP WCMS to create a photo gallery with thumbnails and links to images? We have hundreds of photos.


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Post by stelios »

Hi JuhaMikkola,

This is how I did the ... y_news_csc

At the admin section I created a category named: NEWS

Now at Articles under NEWS I did an article :
News 2006
And a html CONTENT TYPE with this code:

Code: Select all

<TABLE bgcolor="#1F6EA2" height="15" width="100%">
<TD class="breadcrumb" valign="center"><font color="FFFFFF">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>February 2006</b></font></TD>

i.e. {RELATED_SUMMARY:number_of_related_articles:number_of_summaries_to_display:keyword}
Now when you write a new article include in the „keywords“ your „keyword“ i.e. „news2006“ at the example above.

Check this link for the {RELATED_SUMMARY} replacement tag ... tedsummary

I hope I could help

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