FlashCMS 0.2 is ready

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Post by isac »

micael wrote:Hi dr.swank,

You'll find a "flashguru.co.uk" menu-like at http://blog.innocuo.com/archives/cat_flash_cms.html.
Look at "Junio 05, 2004".
I would like to make this menu working hehe :twisted:

Post by marco »

It looks great!

The problem I have with Flash sites though is that all seem to use
the tiniest possible fonts, so the text is really, really hard to read
(for me).

I once had better eye sight but now I need the font resize capability and from what I see no Flash site offers that possibility.
dr.swank wrote:hi all,

well, here is a cheap and raw sample of yet another way to use fcms..


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Post by dr.swank »

Hi micael,

first off thanx for contacting me. I am on a trip right now, so I havn't had time to get back to you. I will contact you of site. About the menu, making it in flash is easy. The issue is getting it integrated into phpwcms. As with all things code, the complexity and dificulty is an expodential sum of the parts... cheers, doc
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Post by micael »

I'll have a look to the current dev and try to help by a part or another...

pixels fonts used in flash allow small and sharp fonts.
of course, a lot of people abuse of it.
flash is very flexible, so it provide the best and the worth...
it's an ergonomic issue.

here is an interesting article on this subject:
(sorry, it's french but you may use an automatic translator.)

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Post by dr.swank »

Hi All,
again, or as usual, I have been exceedingly busy. I have moved my Server to a new machine and switched the fcms subdomain to my comopanies domain. it can be found here:


I have posted files there that I found on my machine. It is big ugly right now, but I do want to continue developing this, so I will do that. the dr.swankv0.4 has on old implementation of amfphp in it, you may want to update to the latest milestone release as it really is better.

otherwise, micael, fulvio, jsw, whats the word??
Last edited by dr.swank on Sat 17. Sep 2005, 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jsw_nz »

Hi Julian,

Visited abstractfactory and downloaded your stuff. Seems you have made significant progress....which is still ongoing. Since last discussion over at add-ons, have given amf a spin (good to hear about milestone so I will visit again)....so looking at your code will not be jiberrish to me anymore.

BTW, any info on 0.6fcms that you have posted?

One thing that I always had in the back of my mind was being able to create an original Flash contentpart. Obviously there are two schools of thought on this...but nonetheless.....this might have greater resource in the overall scheme of things. (In fact JensZ has developed one - see his News Flash Content Type -dont let the title mislead - it is not related to MM Flash)

Your concept (already implemented) of using AS2 / remoting classes to filter original Wcms content is well taken. Busy with two other projects atm, but do plan to roll up the sleeves and take a look at your source.

Fulvio, from what I understand is pretty busy himself..but does have some new stuff that he is privately deving atm.

Anyway....always good to touch base....all best, John
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Post by dr.swank »

Hi John,

thanx for getting back.. Yeah, the milestone release has been very VERY stable, at least for me. I am planning on doing a complete flash implementation of wcms, which is why I went ahead and added the fcms_contenttype table to the phpwcms install. the 0.6 I released is (unfortunatley) uncommented. I will try and whip a simple install.txt together so people know how to use it. The idea for getting the content parts in is actually really simple.

in the fcms_contenttypes (I'll call it f_ct for ease of typing) table there is a feild called presenter. My idea was to store either a swf path or a linkage id depending on the way the developer wants to go, in there. Inside the server class fcms I would put 1 gigantic switching function which catches what type of data is called and outputs it accordingly. As almost all the data can be wrapped into an array of sorts I am still undescided on wether to use the arrays as is, or also use an xml output function. Maybe both, as different components need different dataProvider types. Actually, when I think about it it may make sense to have an array2xml function which convderts data accordingly.

Anyways, with the presenters in the f_ct table it will be no problem for developers to make their own types of content presenters. All that is then needed is a layout manager and an article renderer.... (ehehh)

Just as a note to myself, I was thinking abouot the lists, as well as multi level lists in wcms, and how to render them... if they are passed as xml, they could be easily rendered using the tree component... Could also be colapsable, which may be of intrest...

Ok, thats all for now. Good to hear from you.

l8r, j
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Post by micael »

Hi dr.swank,

I'll have a look to your 0.6 version but I'm too busy for real advancement.
I keep an eye on it and should be open few months (arg!).

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Post by dr.swank »

Hi Again,

I have the system in place for parsing the individual content types now. I have gone through the hack of doing cnt0 and cnt1 inside the server class. I am getting relatively simple data back now, but it does give me the ability to package the stored values in a flash freindly manner (no not a variable string ).

have a look at http://fcms.abstractfactory.de and select the 'sample content' from the drop down, you will see the data I am passing so far. I will post the newest build when I get the getArticleContent() function done. like next month . anyways, as always, more news as it apears.. j
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Post by Eternity »

Hi dr.swank,

That is a very cool amf demo. Very responsive.
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Post by dr.swank »

thanx, the milestone 2 is very stable. I also have my own server whivh helps.. :D
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Post by Kosse »

And some little glimpse at what-should-be FCMS 2 looks VERY promising, Fulvio & you have been very busy, hip hip to you all!!

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Post by dr.swank »

umhmm :D..

I have a question for the round here:

anyone want to help set up the fcms phpwcms site as in, fill in sample data, do layouts, set up templates and pages and so on... I have so much work right now that I just don't have the mind to do it. I also think my time is better spent doing the fcms code. takers anywhere?? anyone???

post back here if you want to help me out on this.
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Post by Kosse »

Hi dr.Swank,

I might help but my time is counted... As from next week I will have a little bit more time, nevertheless I'll be more then happy to participate as I already told Fulvio about it. I can put sample data and mess a little with layouts...
You can mail me if u want. Edited: Thanks got the mail.

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Post by dr.swank »

Hi Again,


.Have a look at http://fcms.abstractfactory.de and select the 'sample content' from the drop down, you will see the data I am passing so far.

I have the third section parsed out. Images (gallery). I am currently not storing the actual layout here, but rather chose to pass just the image data and the position which corresponds to the layout position TL, T, TR,L,C,R,BL,B,BR accordingly. Again, i thinnk it will make sence to have all the layout code going on in flash in order to keep functional units in one by oneanother.

if there are any wishes or idea's at this point it would be great to hear them during the dev proccess when it is easier to implement them.

cheers, j
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