A thorough template tutorial

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A thorough template tutorial

Post by XplosiveConcepts »

Hello everyone,

I have been following PHPWCMS for quite some time but still cannot get a handle on creating templates. I have been searching and reading as many posts as possible, but I still need a good amount of help getting the basics down.

I guess what I really don't understand is what Page Layout does that is different from Template in the Admin section of the backend. Does one have to configure both to use a template? I design most of my layouts in CSS (tableless) and am confused about how to implement it into PHPWCMS. Also, do I have to use frontend.css or can I use my own css file? Whenever I use my own, the site formatting always comes out not as I intended.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Post by tinoo »

It's not so hard :wink:

Page Layout: You define the main structur of your page. 1 row, 2 rows, 3 rows, center alignment, backgroundcolor, backgroundpicture and so on.

Templates: You define what to show in which part of the page layout. This
can be HTML-Code for Tables or so called Replacement-Tag like {CONTENT}, which will show the content, or {BREADCRUMB} which will show a breadcrumb- menu. Or div-tags for styling the different parts of the page layout. And so on...

Frontend.css: Use the original Frontend.css and add all your classes at the end of the file. If you modify an existing class, cut&paste to the end of the file as well. So after a while you have your own Frontend.css

You can find some pictures and explanations (only in german, but doesn't
matter - backend is same) at:

http://peperkorn-online.de/quick-start_ ... -dev.phtml

Hope this helps...
Greetz, tinoo
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