
post released sites here made with phpwcms
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Post by trip »

Hi all

please view http://www.worldcybergames.co.za

all done with WCMS :-)

comments and crits welcome.
Note: you need flash to view some elements!


Post by brans »

Ouh man, you must be well known in RSA in order go get such a job?

Well done, looks good, even if some elements seem to be taken from templatemonster or smth. similar :)
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Post by trip »

even if some elements seem to be taken from templatemonster or smth.
this is true design from concept to finsih, thanks to a great designer!!!

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Post by Kosse »


YEEHA, trip, you're a genius!

I myself play sometimes (<-- not true, many times actually) SC and BW... (despite my avanced age :oops: ... my little brother's fault, he played for Chile once...)

What a good publicity 4 phpwcms! Great!
With that kind of marketing, we might loose OG pretty soon :oops: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Trip, I have no words enough to express my :o :shock: :o :shock:

@ brans, BTW: same design (the basic idea) for about 2/3 years if I'm not mistaken...

As for an achievement, this is the greatest milestone in phpwcms produced sites so far if I may say so... (deanloh was looking for BIG sites, well this is def a very BIG site, only for what it stands for... only look sponsors, even Microsoft/Intel/Samsung... are sponsoring OG's baby :lol: )

Edited: Oops, I thought it was wcg.com nevermind, now go get the WCG.com! :P

Trip(le) Cheers!!!!

PD: @trip may I dare to ask how much time you spend on it? :roll:
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Wow - thanks for the comps guys :)

Post by pixi »

Was great to do a nice big site in wcms :) -- special thanks to trip for all the great coding work - (I was interested in what was said about the design? - it was designed from scratch with no references - so I would be very interested in seeing what everyone is talking about on template monster?) -- must be one of those ones where design repeats itself :)

From all the guys at maxdefinition and raramuriDesign. tanx. more to come :D
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Post by Kosse »

I was talking about the "general" layout that wcg.com uses, they use the same for about 2/3 years, but u managed to get your own touch to it (compar other national wcg sites and you'll see that RSA is one step ahead ;) ) and did a great job! So, keep on working with trip, you make a nice (mmmh, or another word bigger then just "nice") duo!
As for template monster I never saw your design in it, so don't worry... take it as a compliment, as you find some(times) good designs there 8)

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Post by pixi »

Muchos kudos Kosse:) - yeah the layout was given as part of the brief (most of these "franchised" sites, need to all look the same LOL . - thanks for the compliment on the design. Respek to Trip for hisawesome css and wcms integration :)

BTW - had a look at template monster, wow there are really nice designs there.. will def look there for inspiration . seeyall on the forums .pix
Never trust a chicken in a gimp suit :)

Post by brans »

hey dudes,

sorry for my comment. The flash just reminded of some navigations that I had dicovered at templatemonster, which doesn't tell that it might be the other way round and others took inspiration from your WCG site.

Once again a trip-like site, just great man!




I had a closer look at the page again and must say that the background and borders of the left and center content boxes are slightly too light in order to recognize them on my Laptop. You could try to make a little darker borders in order to achieve a higher contrast while the background problem might be solved by this one step too.
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Post by trip »

Thanks all for the positive comments... :-)

brans -> borders
we have tried different combinations, as per client brief this is what we where given so we have to stick with it...

as you can see from this, WCMS can do a lot... :-)

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