{TEASER:alias} Replacement tag

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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I don´t get it?

Post by Info »

I don´t understand what i must do, I have not used the phpwcms so much yet. So I need some more help.

I can see in the picture http://www.kostal.at/screeny5.png that you have made tree tags?
Thomas Pilegaard
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Post by Plauderer »

See here how to create an article:
Then read my howto i posted in this topc how to use the TEASER tag.

Good Luck! :)
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I know how to make

Post by Info »

Hi, i do know how to make a article, but after i have made the tmpl-files for the teaser there must a somethings i have do. Because there is nothing else but theese two...{SUMMARY} - {TEASER:alias}
Se it on my page http://www.strandvejit.dk/cms/index.php?id=9,62,0,0,1,0
Thomas Pilegaard
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Post by Plauderer »

Have you integrated the functions i provided? They are not part of the official version. Until they are integrated phpwcms will not know the Teaser-Tag. Also the Summary-Tag you use is only parsed within the tmpl-file. You cannot use it within the content!
Please make sure that all steps are done as described before. I cannot help you much more without taking a look into your backend. :cry:
Good luck! :wink:
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Post by Info »

Yes i have tried, but if you whant to help me you can get my codes for login to see?
Thomas Pilegaard
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Post by Plauderer »

Alright, you can send me login-details via email. But make sure you have integrated the code i provided!!! Otherwise i cannot help much. :!:
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Post by Arkanis »

Perhaps I'm just too stupid, but I can't figure out how to add an alias to an article (no problems for a category)

So, the TEASER-Tag don't work for me :(

Any ideas?
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Post by Plauderer »

The alias is only referring to the category. Thats correct. Which in return means that the TEASER-Tag only will work as described when you use only a single article underneath that category. It should work with more aswell, retrieving you an article-list. But i haven't checked that!

So make an alias for the category. Put the article in there and use the TEASER-Tag somewhere else to retrieve its title, subtitle, summary and so on.

Hope that helps,
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Post by tomoh »

Hallo Plauderer !

I´ll be very thankful if you could give me support on your {TEASER alias} rep-tag! I´m using it on a new site we´re building in phpwcms RC4 for the municipality of Berg, Jämtland, Sweden.
You see I want a simple 1 level navigation and I´m using the {TEASER} for submenu on each template for each aliased category under "Home"
This is for not letting any user mess around with the sitestructure, templets and so on, just make them create/edit articles. The {TEASER} tag is placed in top of the Main section on each template. Now, it works and I have given the {TEASER} its own css-class making the apperance as I want to. There is one clue though, I want the menuitem beeing highlighted or likevise when selecting an article. How do I get the {TEASER} beeing affected by <span class> as one does for in conf.template_default.inc.php ex: row based navigation $template_default["nav_row"]["link_before_active"] = '<span class="nav_main_act">'; ?
We´re very greatful if you would give us support on this one !

Greetings from Northern Sweden
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Post by Plauderer »

erm ... not sure if i correctly understood your question. As far as i understood it you want to highlight the article-summary when someone gets with the mouse over it!? If that is so there are usually two options. Either you make the whole block in the template as an anchor, give that anchor a style like "span.class a:hover" and write the style you want to see when the mouse moves over the block.
The other solution would be done in javascript. As far as i remember the phpwcms-menu was made with javascript. Anyway, you then have to work with event-handler onmouseover and onmouseout. It is more powerful but the CSS-solution is more elegant. :wink:

But i must say that this hardly has anything to do with my teaser-tag. If you need more information how to do the things described above i can only recommend you ths site:
It covers alot of topics from HTML, CSS, JavaScript to even Perl-programming.

Good luck,
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Post by tomoh »

Hello again!
Thanks for the reply. I´m bad at explaining things, I think. The highlighting I´m thinking about is not on mouseover/out, that´s allready done with the css-style I have give the teaser. What I´m thinking about is the way to get the menuitem of the selected article showing that it´s selected. Like the way you get the menuitem in {NAV_TABLE} change
when it´s selected. That´s why I´m asking you how to get the <span class> and </span> to take effect. Is it a way to edit the "conf.template_default.inc.php" file? or where do I edit so the span-effect is possible?

PS ! The Teaser works brilliant in the way I want my navigation
Hope you understand the question now.

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Post by Plauderer »

tomoh wrote:Hello again!
Thanks for the reply. I´m bad at explaining things, I think. The highlighting I´m thinking about is not on mouseover/out, that´s allready done with the css-style I have give the teaser. What I´m thinking about is the way to get the menuitem of the selected article showing that it´s selected. Like the way you get the menuitem in {NAV_TABLE} change
when it´s selected. That´s why I´m asking you how to get the <span class> and </span> to take effect. Is it a way to edit the "conf.template_default.inc.php" file? or where do I edit so the span-effect is possible?
If it is just to show which article summary is from the current active article i would suggest to differ between the article-list template and the article-template. The template for article-listing is used when the targeted arcticle is NOT the current. While the template for display in full article is used in the article itself.
f.e. you have article A, B and C. In article A you insert the TEASER for article B and C while the article-summary for article A is shown directly with the template for display in full article. You'll have to adapt the articles properties to show the articles summary. Then you do the same accordingly for the artciles B and C.
I don't think that there is another reasonable way to do that. I think the best way to do what you intend is to make an own function.
Also please keep in mind that my teaser-function was made for Release 1.1-RC4 22-06-2004. I cannot tell how the function works in the latest version of phpwcms. :cry:
tomoh wrote:PS ! The Teaser works brilliant in the way I want my navigation
Good to hear that! :wink:

All the best,
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Location: Jämtland, Sweden

Post by tomoh »

Well, I´ve been trying manipulate the templets for articles and lists as you have described earlier. I´ll make another go for it to see if I´m getting the wanted result.
By the way, is it a lot of "hack" getting the NAV_TABLE or NAV_ROW showing articles?
The teaser works great in release 1.2.1

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Post by osku »

i must have missed something,

where do i set the "alias" of an article to be used in {TEASER:alias}

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Post by Plauderer »

Hi people,

i just returned to this forum and realised that there still is quite some interest in my TEASER-tag. :) The thing is that i can't help you much on problems with the tag in newer versions. The phpwcms-version i wrote for was Release 1.1-RC4 22-06-2004. I haven't tested it on newer versions although some said it works just aswell.

It seems to me that the most confusing thing to do is to make the article-summary which in fact is a feature from phpwcms. When you edited an article, set its title and subtitle and wrote the summary text all you have to do is to choose the right template-file for the article-list and for the "display full article" option. If you have done this the TEASER-tag can be used wherever you like and it returns all the information provided in the article by using the apropriate template file. The alias with which you reference it is the structure-points alias!

I'll keep you informed if there is a newer version matching to newer phpwcms-versions. But i have to admit that i am very busy atm. :wink:

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