Web site devoted to the venixxia company which is an actor in France on the internet technologies. Built with phpwcms 1.1 release.
professional web site
I like the style of your site (haven't reviewed the content), but
I would definetely change the style of your menu so that it'll be better inline with the rest of your design-style.
I would set some top borders and change the colours. If you need some inspiration on what is possible with one and the same list, then simply go to listamatic.
What about ex.: this style with customized colours?!?
I would definetely change the style of your menu so that it'll be better inline with the rest of your design-style.
I would set some top borders and change the colours. If you need some inspiration on what is possible with one and the same list, then simply go to listamatic.
What about ex.: this style with customized colours?!?
setting in conformity
hi everybody.
I added in the section foot a link to phpwcms website.
and i corrected the copyriht into sources.
Please accept my excuses
I added in the section foot a link to phpwcms website.
and i corrected the copyriht into sources.
Please accept my excuses