new site in german, just born today ;-)

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new site in german, just born today ;-)

Post by breitsch »

Still the 'old' script, but a new site!

it's my 3th site with phpwcms and i love it more and more and more!
now, it's time to hear what the community thinks about my work.
so - dear visitor - i'd like to hear some comment!
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Post by wolfjack »

Didnt u forget zanxgiving?

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
phpwcms | free open source content management system
created by Oliver Georgi (oliver at phpwcms dot de) and licensed under GNU/GPL.
phpwcms is copyright 2003-2005 of Oliver Georgi. Extensions are copyright of
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Post by bachi »

it isn't a replacement to merge a phpwcms- button on the start- page. Please re-insert the copyright- license into the source!!!! :evil:
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Post by cyaneo »

I would put a 1px border to the left and right - so it then looks more compact...
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Wenn jeder dem anderen helfen wollte, wäre allen geholfen.
Ein Problem ist halb gelöst, wenn es klar formuliert ist.

Post by brans »

Hmm die Seite gefällt mir überhaupt nicht. Irgendwie total farblos und unansprechend. Ich halte die Seite ausserdem wegen dem fehleneden Rand links und rechts für unsabgeschlossen. Ich kann nur vermuten, dass auch du Techniker mit Leib und Seele bist und daher eine Seite gefällt, wenn sie technisch funktioniert. du solltest aber unbedingt berücksichtigen, dass die meisten Leute im Web vorallem emotional besser auf Farben reagieren. Eine bessere einbindung deiner Besucher erlangst du also durch eine emotional anregende Seite. => dort findest du einen Lehrgang Grundlagen des Webdesign mit psychologischen, farblehrenden etc. Kapiteln.

Das Hochdeutsch ist leider auch markant schweizerisch beeinflusst, bitte versuche dies irgendwie zu beheben.,10,0,0,1,0
Der Hintergrund wird plötzlich schwarz..

Bitte füge das Copyright wieder ein.

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Post by spirelli »

Average design. A company dealing with sound, light and show would deserve more fresh colour! The photos you have for the ecards should be your general guide to the feeling that should come across when visiting the site. At the moment it's too grey for my taste.
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Post by breitsch »

ups, i'm sooo sorry!!! :oops:

unforgivable! i did erase the copyright-license in the source during development, and forgot to reinsert it. it wasn't my intention, i swear!
i hope you noticed my sincere purpose in the placement of a phpwcms- button in the footer.

thanks for the hints to the design. we'll see what we can do.
i tryed to keep the design technicaly, since the business they do is rather technical. the idea was to give it a bit the look of an equipment-tool like cd-player, amplifier etc.

i'm not responsable for the content, it's the owners who command and the pictures should be of better quality soon, but this lies in the site-owners hands
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Post by spirelli »

If you fill all the grey areas with bolder colours that will help already. Promoting a company is about emotion and customers want to get excited about a company and what it does. They want to feel that their event will be amaizing and exciting when using this company. The customer does not deal with the technical equipment, and everyone knows already this goes on behind the scenes. That the company is able to handle this everyone expects anyway.

Look for instance at Virgin Mobile - a enterprise in a very technological field! They deal with mobile phones. But they don't let the customer feel how technical it is (they don't even start to explain any of the technicalities) but rather they show how much fun it is. Not very German, I know.
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Post by breitsch »

spirelli wrote:Not very German, I know.
Der hat gesessen! :shock:
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Post by spirelli »

breitsch wrote:
spirelli wrote:Not very German, I know.
Der hat gesessen! :shock:
Ich bin auch deutsch, deshalb darf ich das :wink:
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