Background images with list_top not working

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Background images with list_top not working

Post by Sheila »

I'm trying to customize the top menu that is generated with the {NAV_LIST_TOP} tag, and I can't get my style changes to appear correctly.

This is the navigation I designed:

But the background images won't show up here:

If you view the source in the first link, you'll see that I pasted all of frontend.css into the header to customize it and test it. The section under "CSS for the top level list" is what I changed. I copied the changes into the default css in the backend control panel.

I am confused why it works in nav_test.html, but not in index.php. As you can see in the URLs above, they are in the same folder (phpwcms root).
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Post by isac »

try this

background: url("/new/img/tabs/tab_right_active.png") no-repeat right top;

and repeat in all styles
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Post by Sheila »

Thank you! That worked.

Can you (or someone) explain why? "new" is the phpwcms root folder. I've never had to include the root folder in a path like that before, so I'd like to understand why I had to here.
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Post by pico »

maybe you have a little mistake in your

think that is what you have

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["site"]              = "";  
this is how it has to look for you I think

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["site"]              = "";
$phpwcms["admin_email"]       = "";

// paths
$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT']          = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$phpwcms["root"]              = "new/";
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Post by Sheila »

My file looks like the second example, except the value for $phpwcms['root'] is "new" and not "new/". I tried changing that, and it didn't make a difference.

It doesn't really matter because the site will eventually be on its own server and domain, in the root web folder. But it would be a good thing to understand, if possible.
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