Additional Content blocks

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Additional Content blocks

Post by pSouper »

I have noticed that if you use CUSTOM layout (only one i've tested) and you have created addition blocks EXTRABLOCK1,NEWBLOCK2...etc...

I have used an extra block to place content within the newly created fields in the admin> template> page but this new content will NOT show inthe article as hoped for. Instead, I must have a content part within the article assigned to the new content block to enable this feature. unfortunatly, the content from within the 'content part' is overwritten by the content within the templates 'new block'.

if you understand me then you may find this interesting to know :)

I have now issue creating more new blocks to seperate those intended for 'template only' content and those intended for 'content part' only content.

the only issue with this is that to include the content witihn the field of a new block on the template you must first creat a new content part (e.g. plain text ) on every page of your site - then type something in it (so that it is not empty). this content part is then replaced by the content of the templates new block field.

pretty sure this is not a feature in the 'we proudly present...' meaning of the word :)
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Post by frold » Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Post by pSouper »

Hi F, thnaks for that... I had just popped back to delete any evidence of my stupidity but can't not BECAUSE YOU HAVE REPLIED ALREADY !! ;)

for anyone else needing a paraphrased version of the custom blocks...

add the name of your new block (NEWBLOCK) in to the custon line of your layout, then add {NEWBLOCK} to your custom template and save : once this has been saved you will now get a new area below the standard areas entitled NEWBLOCK. witihn this you must now add {NEWBLOCK} within this area where you require the newblock content to appear.