Question about the article template

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Question about the article template

Post by Ozone »

Hi folks!
Before I start with my question, let me first throw a big thank you to all the developers of the phpwcms system :D !
This is my first atempt to build a true dynamic website, and although I am a complete rookie on php/mysql/css, things are starting to work here.

I tried to find an answer on the following, but did not succeed:

I've created a 'my_article_list.tmpl' based on some .css code I put in to the frontend.css. It builds the article list with every title and article_summary in a separate table. The table has borders, backgrounds, etc. It works fine.

I then tried to build the full article (my_article.tmpl) based on (more or less) the same .css definitions, but got some strange results.
The article title and summary show exactly as I want in my table, but if an article contains more information (like ascii text, images, etc), that content is shown outside my table, and is put onto the page via the default entries int the frontend.css.

Is there a way to put the complete article content in the table I created?

Any help is always appriciated, but please keep in mind that I'm just starting to learn php. I'm currently trying to work thru all the files that are included in the system.


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Joined: Tue 26. Oct 2004, 11:56

Re: Question about the article template

Post by Karla »

Ozone wrote:The article title and summary show exactly as I want in my table, but if an article contains more information (like ascii text, images, etc), that content is shown outside my table, and is put onto the page via the default entries int the frontend.css.
Not sure what version you are using... but I ~believe~ the core release only supports changing the templates for:
- article summary listing
- full article summary

If you post a sample of your attempt(s)... maybe one of the sharp individuals here, can help!
EDIT: Added this to point to where some of the code ~is~ :roll:
Ozone wrote:Is there a way to put the complete article content in the table I created?

Any help is always appriciated, but please keep in mind that I'm just starting to learn php. I'm currently trying to work thru all the files that are included in the system.


Maybe this thread will get some activity :(
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