Rollver Images giving error

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Joined: Wed 29. Dec 2004, 16:50
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Rollver Images giving error

Post by funk_green »


My server is supporting and running all necessary requirements for phpwcms. The system is working perfectly. I've added content, templates and now I've added images to the FILE section.

I have made folders and subfolders for the images, and uploaded many images. They display thumbnails in the FILE manager, and display ok when clicked.

Problem comes when I use the ROLLOVER IMAGES content type. I add images to the list and leave everything at default. When I click on CREATE CONTENT button, I get the following error. Have I issed something or is this a bug?

Warning: imagejpeg(): Unable to open '/home/creativs/public_html/wcms/content/images/1_12_TOZOrMpzgB-425x0.jpgjpg' for writing in /home/creativs/public_html/wcms/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php on line 346

Unable to output: /home/creativs/public_html/wcms/content/images/1_12_TOZOrMpzgB-425x0.jpgjpg

Warning: getimagesize(/home/creativs/public_html/wcms/content/images/1_12_TOZOrMpzgB-425x0.jpgjpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/creativs/public_html/wcms/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php on line 306
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Post by bachi »

you have to set the permissions of the folder content/images/ to cmod 777

Post by Pappnase »

Files & Folder settings

You now need to setup the correct permissons for certain files and folders. This should be done using CHMOD from within your FTP Application.

Folder phpwcms_tmp 777
Folder phpwcms_tmp/thumb_list 777
Folder phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview 777
Folder phpwcms_ftp 777
Folder phpwcms_filestorage/1...10 777
Folder content/images 777
Folder content/gt 777
Folder content/pages 777

File setup/ 666
File phpwcms_template/inc_css/frontend.css 666
File include/inc_conf/ 666
File phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html 666
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed 29. Dec 2004, 16:50
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Post by funk_green »

Greetings from South Africa!

There is no images folder inside contents folder. If I got to the FILE section inside the backend, and I view an image, the properties say that the images are being stored in


Wait a minute..... I just created an images folder and now all is Ok.

Thanks for the help... :D
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