Random content AND a link together?

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Random content AND a link together?

Post by oldfolk »

Greetings - I know how to do random images with corresponding links in javascript and/or in php but not in phpwcms.

I can't figure out how to get the [ID:##] link to work with the images using the random content module.

I'm hoping there is some function built into the random content feature that I haven't discovered?

Please let me know if I need to just hack something out on my own or if capability already exists.

thanks peeps

PS my regrets if this is posted in the wrong section.
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Post by oldfolk »

I guess no response means it can't be done huh?

well will post what I come up with for a work around when I get a chance. Right now my bonsai are yelling for my attention and I need a 'code break'

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Post by wireless »

Like to see this one.
How about a twist on it like:


where 4 would be the number of rotated images to show ina vertical layout.

Hey why don't we make then click able to the advertisers page while we are at it :-)
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Joined: Tue 5. Oct 2004, 17:15

Post by oldfolk »

I just wanted to follow up and let anyone interested know that I wasn't able to get a random image with link mod to work but was able to use an external script easily by utilizing phpwcms replacement tags.

It isn't the best solution because it requires a text file with an image and corresponding link, it's easy but will not just work automatically. Using the random .php file I incorporated it into my site like this:


If anyone has a more palpable solution let me know.
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