{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:x} and breadcrumb menue

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{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:x} and breadcrumb menue

Post by Pappnase »


does anbody have an Idea how i can remove the hidden fields in the breadrumb menue. cos when i build an navigation with the {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:x} menue it shows also the hidden entry in the breadcrumb menue.

Posts: 38
Joined: Wed 3. Dec 2003, 23:44

Post by hidiho »

when using {NAV_TABLE_COLUM:123} then also use {BREADCRUMB:123}


Post by Pappnase »

you're joke'n i will test it tomorrow!
but when i have more than use it as subnavigations i need for every seperate menue an extra template!


Post by Pappnase »


i test it. and it's the wrong way for me!*smile*

the normal bradcrumb layout ist
Home > 1. Level > 2. Level

When i replace it with The {BREADCRUMB:123} then it looks this way
1. Level > 2. Level

But the 1. Level has no content and is only the header for this content part in the navigation..

i search for an way that it look like this

Home > 2. Level


Post by Pappnase »

is it not possible to choose to select the startinglevel?

Posts: 38
Joined: Wed 3. Dec 2003, 23:44

Post by hidiho »


i've got the following menu:

Home (english) catid=10
- About us (with submenu)
- Services (with submenu)
- References (with submenu)
- etc
Startseite (deutsch) catid = 20
- Uber uns (with submenu)
- Dienstleistung (with submenu)
- Referenzen (with submenu)
etc for other languages

For each language i make one template (or more, depending on the question wether you want per submenu different tempates, but i don't want to maintain 10+ templates).
Each template has a {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:id_for_starting_level_for_language} and {BREADCRUMB:id_for_starting_level_for_language} somewhere placed.

This works for me. Is this of any help?

Posts: 38
Joined: Wed 3. Dec 2003, 23:44

Post by hidiho »


i think it's more about restructuring your sitestructure in a logical way....

:wink: regards

Post by Pappnase »


when you see it you will see it is an logical way!

i have send you a personal message over the forum with link!

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 12:47

Post by haiopei »

Hello Pappnase,

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?? :?:
Pappnase wrote:hello

i test it. and it's the wrong way for me!*smile*

the normal bradcrumb layout ist
Home > 1. Level > 2. Level

When i replace it with The {BREADCRUMB:123} then it looks this way
1. Level > 2. Level

But the 1. Level has no content and is only the header for this content part in the navigation..

i search for an way that it look like this

Home > 2. Level

Posts: 28
Joined: Sun 18. Apr 2004, 06:02

You can try this trick :)

Post by luna »

Rename 1.Level to Home , Use {BREADCRUMB:1.Level struct. id} You will have (1.Level now Home)>2.Level .In Article for 1.Level (now Home) ad redirection to your http://domain.name.index.php?alias for your real home url :wink:

If you want two different menu with one BREADCRUMB just rename the "Home" name to " " in include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php around line 400 and line 1000. In this way you can make two different menu in two different places in your site, with one BREADCRUMB and the final BREADCRUMB will be like this clicked on the first menu >Home>.2level clicked on the second menu Home>2of.2level and now use {BREADCRUMB:2of2.Level struct. id} below is example for two different languages. (each language has different template)
You can have one vertical menu like this
{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:1.level struct. id}
and one horizontal another menu like this
<a href="index.php?en_alias">Home</a> | {NAV_ROW:2of1.Level struct. id:0}

Index->0.Level rename "Home" in "" into include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php
---2Home(gr)->2of1.Level redirect to 1.Level

---2Home(en)->2of2.Level redirect to 2.Level

I hope Oliver will make posible to hide menu in BREADCRUMB like in the NAV_TABLE_COLUMN in the next version.

Sorry about my bad english i'm from Greece :roll:
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