I would like to build a table in an article and insert a linking code which displays a banner for an affiliate program I belong to.
The links are like this usually.
<a href="http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-1561153-10302311" target="_blank" onmouseover="window.status='http://www.palmone.com/us/products/smartphones/';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=' ';return true;">
<img src="http://www.afcyhf.com/image-1561153-10302311" width="120" height="60" alt="Award Winning!" border="0"></a>
What application do I use to do this? I admit my knowledge of html is limited, being recently converted from FrontPage!
It doesn't seem to work if I use WYSIWYG in phpwcms. I get a mixture of text and code when I try it this way, but this is the only application I see that can insert tables.
Any suggestions?
How do you do this
Hi richk,
You will have to paste your code this way :
01. Create a WYSIWYG contentpart
02. Ex. with HTMArea Editor, Click on the brackets <>, located on the top row of the editor
03. Paste in there your code
04. Click again on the <>, to shift back in WYSIWYG mode
You should be good
You will have to paste your code this way :
01. Create a WYSIWYG contentpart
02. Ex. with HTMArea Editor, Click on the brackets <>, located on the top row of the editor
03. Paste in there your code
04. Click again on the <>, to shift back in WYSIWYG mode
You should be good
PhpWCMS Evangelist, -- iRoutier.com Running phpWCMS 1.4.2, r354 -> Great Version!!!!