:cry: Anyone knows a fast way to learn German ?

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Carlos Rocha
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:cry: Anyone knows a fast way to learn German ?

Post by Carlos Rocha »

I would like to learn with all of you guys, but in fact I can´t understand most of the posts because they are in german, and I'm sure that i'm not the only one.

I don't think that when you post a question it's intended to be answered only by germans or Oliver Georgi itself. So, if you post the question in english you have more chances to find someone that can answer you.

Or maybe I'm wrong and you want phpwcms to be only for german users? Even if we (non english users) don't like english, the true is that english is the language with more chances to be understood by anyone.

This CMS is one of the best in all the web, so make it for everybody :wink:

Just a thought

Post by Pappnase »

hello carlos

the cms is not only for german! so if you have an problems with some threads then please ask for an translation! :D
or post the same Q in english it should be no problem to answer it twice! :lol:
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Post by TAOG »

btw: my english isn't good enough to post my questions in english. :(
Carlos Rocha
Posts: 72
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Post by Carlos Rocha »

Hi Pappnase,

Don't want to argue this, but when something is writen in german, it's for germans only.

Thanks for your good will, and most of the others, but how can one know what's some thread about? I think you are german, so imagine a forum with some posts in german, some in chineese, some answers in german and some in chineese, IN THE SAME THREAD :?


My english is not good enough too, but I try. Maybe it's time to start training. :wink:


Post by brans »

and btw. there is no way to learn german fast.. I think that german is the most difficult language to learn for foreigners, until now I know: english, italian, french and german :-D As I am German this is no problem for me but I really wouldn't like to be a foreigner who has to learn german... very complicated and sometimes unlogical grammar...
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Post by oldfolk »

2 cents worth -

portuguese is the hardest :P
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Post by StudioZ »

No Guys. Sorry :wink:
French IS the worst nightmare on planet Earth :lol:
Is is my native language but still...
One of the most difficult and tricky language to master.
Must be due to all the nuances you can vehicle with it :wink:
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