errors when including managed images

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errors when including managed images

Post by oldfolk »

Well just when I thought I had this figured out BLAM I get hit with a doosie:

I am probably going about this the wrong way and am hoping that someone can help.

I created folder called images in public file section
added a couple of images to it, which uploaded without problem.
However when I try to add an image into an article summary I get the following error messages and am at a loss:
Warning: main(/home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_lib/ on line 44

Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_lib/ on line 44

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: hft_image in /home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_lib/ on line 181
I am using the most current build - Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004 - with all 4 patches on a linux server with php 4.3.9.

I thought it may be a permission error but have tried 666, 766, 755 and 777 on all relevant files and folders and still no change.

Anyone have a clue and can fill me in? Thanx in advance

Post by Pappnase »


did you have imagick installed at your server!?
check it with the info.php wich you will find in the root of your installtion.

if not change the values in the to gd2
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Joined: Tue 5. Oct 2004, 17:15

Post by oldfolk »

thanks for responding.

I don't have imagik on my server, and have had it setup for gd2. Just to make sure I went back and checked and here is the relevant part of
// other stuff
$phpwcms["compress_page"] = 3; //wenn 1 = Seite komprimieren, 0 = Kompresion aus
$phpwcms["imagick"] = 0; //if 0 = GD, 1 = ImageMagick convert, 2 = ImageMagick 4.2.9
$phpwcms["imagick_path"] = ""; //Path to ImageMagick
$phpwcms["use_gd2"] = 1; //if 0 = GD1, 1 = GD2
$phpwcms["rewrite_url"] = 0; //whether URL should be rewritable
$phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = 1; //0 = no wysiwyg editor, 1 = HTMLarea, 2 = FCKeditor, 3 = browser based, 4 = spaw
$phpwcms["phpmyadmin"] = 0; //enable/disable phpmyadmin in Admin section
$phpwcms["default_lang"] = "en"; //default language
$phpwcms["charset"] = "iso-8859-1"; //default charset "iso-8859-1"
$phpwcms["allow_remote_URL"] = 0; //0 = no remote URL in {PHP:...} replacement tag allowed, 1 = allowed
$phpwcms["gt_mod"] = 0; //0 = Graphical Text MOD disabled, 1 = enabled
$phpwcms["jpg_quality"] = 75; //JPG Quality Range 25-100
$phpwcms["sharpen_level"] = 1; //Sharpen Level - only ImageMagick: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -- 0 = no, 5 = extra sharp
$phpwcms["allow_ext_init"] = 0; //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend initialization
$phpwcms["allow_ext_render"] = 0; //allow including of custom external scripts at frontend rendering
I also checked my gd version and it is 2.0.28. So it should be good to use.

I will certainly be grateful for any further suggestions you may have. Thanks

Post by Pappnase »


your is ok!
so it should be work now!
or are there any more probs!?
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue 5. Oct 2004, 17:15

Post by oldfolk »

actually that is the way it has been since setup, almost a month now.

Unfortunately now I can't check it, because after my comp froze and I re-booted and tried to get back into the site, it shows me as logged in but without the admin menu across the top and when I try to log back in I'm getting this error message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_conf/ in /home/trentonm/public_html/login.php on line 142
problem is that the only thing on line 142 of login.php is: }

It did this to me once before and after a while righted itself. But here I go again.

I cleared my cache and my http referrer info but it still have me logged in with no menu available.

I tried logging out with phpwcms.php?do=logout

but this is all I've been able to accomplish
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_conf/ in /home/trentonm/public_html/include/inc_lib/ on line 46
Yikes I'm really lost now. And to think I was sooooo close.... :evil:

Post by Pappnase »


software firewall running!? yes!? shot down

alle patches uploaded!?
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue 5. Oct 2004, 17:15

Post by oldfolk »

alle patches uploaded!?
p1 to p4, yes. There isn't another I'm not aware of, is there?

software firewall running!? yes!? shot down
If you don't mind my asking, what is the point of shutting down my firewall? ...since the site has been running just fine with it active for about a month now...

just curious -not sure that my clients would want to disable their firewall to administer their site. Not sure that I would want to. It kind of negates the purpose of a firewall, no :?:

Post by Pappnase »


if you have a software firewall or norton sec. productus. it blocks to much also the refferer and so you had problems to work with phpwcms.

i talk not from an hardware firewall only software firewalls like the great norton products
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Post by oldfolk »

Do you know of a way to manually log out without using the menu?

For what it's worth mysql shows on the userlog 'logged in =0'

Does that mean I'm not logged in as far as the system goes? If so then it would surely be a browser problem. (or so I would imagine)

I'm getting the same thing in IE and in firefox.
1. I closed both browsers and disconnected from the web (yes still on dialup :roll: )
2. went into control panel/internet options and cleared everything including history
3. went into norton cleansweep and again cleared everything
4. went into windows explorer /cookies and cleared what was left by hand
5. went into windows explorer /temp and /temporary internet files and cleared everything there
6. shut down pc completely and then restarted

Went to the site and am still showing logged in with no menu and error code when I try to relog in that headers already sent.

Okay will try disabling firewall. will let you know the outcome

thanks for your help in any event
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue 5. Oct 2004, 17:15

Post by oldfolk »

i talk not from an hardware firewall only software firewalls like the great norton products
I use zone alarm - will see if it makes a diff.

thanx again
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue 5. Oct 2004, 17:15

Post by oldfolk »

Well shut down the firewall (zonealarm)
cleared cache again
cleared cookies again
cleared history again
shut down the pc again
went online without the firewall running and still it shows me logged in with no menu available. And when I try to log in again, I get the same error message re headers already sent.

This happened before and my only solution was to reload the whole cms program from scratch. I'm hoping to find a solution this time because the site is for someone else and it's pretty much done. (a month's worth of work to re produce in a short time till launch)

I thought the previous problem was with my path (found a reference in another post on this board) so I made sure to use the server root file and have added this to the bottom of
and the path from the file. Hopefully this time will find a lasting solution cause I really like this cms.
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