Textual Newsletter, content is not shown

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Textual Newsletter, content is not shown

Post by Hunter58 »

I created a newsletter in the message backend using the text version.
When I send the message using the default mailhandler (mail), the newsletter is send to the choosen recipients.

Opening the mail there is no content shown :!:

The content (a simple test newsletter) is actualy in the mail, but I think somehow misintepreted by the mail client.

Here is a part op the rough message:

Code: Select all

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hallo Rudolfo,

Hier staat wat tekst die niet wordt weergegeven als er ook html
in de vorige sectie staat. Op zich best wel vervelend. Maar ook
wel begrijpelijk.

Dit bericht is verzonden via de werkplaats

Uitschrijven: http://www.hunter58.nl/verify.php?i=RDpJYWFKNHJUUVFvUXp5ZFllOnJkdnJldWdkQGh1bnRlcjU4Lm5s

Content-Type: text/html; charset = "iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<br />

The are 3 content sections but none of them shows up the client.

I tried again using my providers webmail interface to read the message and there also is no content shown :!:

  • If I create a HTML newsletter all is working fine
    Outlook express (with sp2 from XP) is my mailclient
    I'm using RC4 latest release
Hunter58 :lol:
if something is working you are skilled,
if it is not, it is a fault in the system.
Posts: 34
Joined: Fri 27. Aug 2004, 16:07
Location: the Netherlands

Post by Hunter58 »

Oliver could you please shine some light on this?

I would be happy if I should know it's not me that is doing something wrong, but it is a general problem. I would like to use it.

But when it is something you have to look into I will be more han patient :wink:

I'm already greatfull for such a tremendous script in the fisrt place.
Hunter58 :lol:
if something is working you are skilled,
if it is not, it is a fault in the system.
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