Minor Bug in Setup Script

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Rod P
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed 29. Sep 2004, 02:32
Location: Ottawa Ontario

Minor Bug in Setup Script

Post by Rod P »

I am very impressed with WCMS - very cool. :D

Anyhow, here is a minor bug I found - my website is called "Nature's Insight" http://www.naturesinsight.ca (my wife's actually). Because there is an apostrophe (single quote) in the site name, this caused an error on the setup page and the script aborted (white screen). I would suggest that user fields be passed back to the script after using the php addslashes function. (http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.addslashes.php), or at least mention on the setup page to prefix apostrophes with a slash character.


Rod P
Ottawa Canada