Am I violating any copyright ? :oops:

post released sites here made with phpwcms
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Carlos Rocha
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Am I violating any copyright ? :oops:

Post by Carlos Rocha »

Looks familiar, doesn't it? :wink:

In fact I saved LOTS of time, thanks to phpWCMS, and I really like this layout

Thanks Oliver

PS: check the forum. It would be great to have something like that integrated with phpwcms.
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Post by isac »


Um mapa do site dava jeito, Está no bom caminho...

Carlos Rocha
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Post by Carlos Rocha »

Thanks isac,

I think it's better to talk english, so anybody can read (even a bad english like mine).
The problem with the sitemap is that it shows things I don't wanna show. I'll keep trying
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Post by isac »

It was a small revenge :lol:

Note: If you have to hide articles, you can put them in a hide category, because hide categories are not displayed in site map.

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Post by pSouper »

I would like to mention that the design of the phpwcms homesite is very good and to quote silence of the lambs 'we covert that which we see everyday' the initial impact of your site to your visitors may soon become ridicule once those same visitors visit phpwcms and notice the 'homage' you created ;)

for your own reputation I would advise you to reconsider such a close design to that of phpwcms's home site.

just a thought ;)

as for the copyright issues you ask about: i am sure you are not violating any copyrights with this sites design
Carlos Rocha
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Post by Carlos Rocha »

Thanks for the advice pSouper.

In fact I'm not a Web Designer, and I don't intend to be one :wink:

By using Oliver's engine and site layout, the development of the site was very fast, and it proves that ANYONE (even me) can build a site easily with phpwcms, as long as there are a few templates to choose from, and the only one available was...:roll:

Now that the site is in the "air" I can gradually change it, and I will. But it's a pitty...I really like it :cry:

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Post by pSouper »

Just a little advice that's all ;) you keep your site however you are happy with it, unless asked otherwise by those who may be offended. until then keep on having fun with it :)
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